Points | Position | |
CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012) | 47.73 | 29/501 |
ABS (2010) | 75.0 | 65/288 |
Australian RC (2010) | 100.0 | 9/479 |
Axarloglou and Theoharakis (2003) | 22.92 | 14/94 |
Carlos III (2010) | 37.5 | 10/153 |
CNRS (2008) | 80.0 | 45/336 |
Combes and Linnemer (2003) | 67.0 | 18/253 |
Engemann and Wall (2009) | 9.64 | 22/65 |
Ideas discounted recursive impact factor (2012) | 18.37 | 33/396 |
ISI, JCR SSE, Article Influence Score (2010) | 13.91 | 63/316 |
ISI, JCR SSE, Impact Factor (2010) | 15.64 | 142/388 |
Kalaitzidakis et al (2010) | 14.91 | 16/196 |
Kodrzycki and Yu (2006) | 14.34 | 31/177 |
Lubrano et al (2003) | 60.0 | 36/211 |
Qualis (2008) | 100.0 | 4/200 |
Ritzberger (2008) | 8.53 | 49/153 |
Schneider and Ursprung (2008) | 60.0 | 71/278 |
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) (2011) | 19.41 | 88/476 |
Tinbergen Institute (2011) | 50.0 | 8/119 |
Article Influence Score (2021) | 1.95 | 80/409 |
Article Influence Score (2019) | 1.79 | 74/428 |
Impact Factor (2021) | 2.45 | 195/409 |
Impact Factor (2019) | 1.74 | 190/440 |
Impact Factor (5 year) (2021) | 3.26 | 155/409 |
Impact Factor (5 year) (2019) | 2.54 | 147/428 |
SJR - Scimago (2021) | 1.66 | 112/558 |
SJR - Scimago (2019) | 2.42 | 69/549 |
Count (2021) | 1.0 | 362/662 |
Made in Europe: Monetary-Fiscal Policy Mix with Financial Frictions
Pedro Gomes,
Hernan D. Seoane
vol. 165, 2024, p. 1-18.
Monetary Policy and the Wage Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff
Ricardo Duque Gabriel
vol. 159, 2023, p. .
On the Design of a European Unemployment Insurance System
Arpad Abraham,
Joao Brogueira de Sousa,
Ramon Marimon,
Lukas Mayr
vol. 156, 2023, p. .
Price setting frequency and the Phillips curve
Emanuel Gasteiger,
Alex Grimaud
vol. 158, 2023, p. .
The Demographic Transition and the Asset Supply Channel
Pedro Amaral
vol. 151, 2023, p. .
The Long-Run Effects of Risk: An Equilibrium Approach
Christiaan van der Kwaak,
Joao Madeira,
Nuno Pedro Palma
vol. 153, 2023, p. .
On the Cleansing Effect of Recessions and Government Policy: Evidence from Covid-19
Nicholas Kozeniauskas,
Pedro Moreira,
Cezar Santos
vol. 144, 2022, p. .
Can ATMs Get Out the Vote? Evidence from a Nationwide Field Experiment
Joao Pereira dos Santos,
José Tavares,
Pedro Vicente
vol. 134, 2021, p. .
Labor Mobility and Racial Discrimination
Pierre Deschamps,
José de Sousa
vol. 135, 2021, p. .
Measuring Labor Supply and Demand Shocks during COVID-19
Pedro Brinca,
João B. Duarte,
Miguel Faria e Castro
vol. 139, 2021, p. .
Should Regulators Always Be Transparent? A Bank Run Experiment
Surajeet Chakravarty,
C. Y. Lawrence Choo ,
Miguel Fonseca,
Todd Kaplan
vol. 136, 2021, p. .
What Drives Ability Peer Effects?
Max Coveney ,
Matthijs Oosterveen
vol. 136, 2021, p. .
When a Nudge Is (Not) Enough: Experiments on Social Information and Incentives
Jingnan (Cecilia) Chen,
Miguel Fonseca,
Shaun B. Grimshaw
vol. 134, 2021, p. .
Export Decision under Risk
José de Sousa,
Carl Gaigne
vol. 121, 2020, p. .
How the Ins and Outs Shape Differently the U.S. Unemployment over Time and across Frequencies
Pedro Portugal,
António Rua
vol. 121, 2020, p. .
The Effect of Firm Cash Holdings on Monetary Policy
Bernardino Adão,
André C. Silva
vol. 128, 2020, p. .
The Euro-Area Government Spending Multiplier at the Effective Lower Bound
Adalgiso Amendola,
Mario Di Serio,
Matteo Fragetta,
Giovanni Melina
vol. 127, 2020, p. .
On the Sources of Information about Latent Variables in DSGE Models
Nikolay Iskrev
vol. 119, 2019, p. 318-332.
Quantifying the Coordinated Effects of Partial Horizontal Acquisitions
Duarte Brito,
Ricardo Ribeiro,
Helder Vasconcelos
vol. 110, 2018, p. 108-149.
Terror Networks and Trade: Does the Neighbor Hurt?
José de Sousa,
Daniel Mirza,
Thierry Verdier
vol. 107, 2018, p. 27-56.
A Signaling-Based Theory of Contractual Commitment to Relationships
Luís Vasconcelos
vol. 93, 2017, p. 123-138.
Financing Constraints and Fixed-Term Employment: Evidence from the 2008-9 Financial Crisis
Ana P. Fernandes,
Priscila Ferreira
vol. 92, 2017, p. 215-238.
Trade and Synchronization in a Multi-country Economy
Luciana Juvenal,
Paulo Santos Monteiro
vol. 92, 2017, p. 385-415.
Home Bias in Multimarket Cournot Games
Catherine Roux,
Luís Santos-Pinto,
Christian Thoni
vol. 89, 2016, p. 361-371.
Public Spending and Growth: The Role of Government Accountability
Atsuyoshi Morozumi,
Francisco Veiga
vol. 89, 2016, p. 148-171.
Quantiles, Corners, and the Extensive Margin of Trade
José Machado,
João Santos Silva,
Kehai Wei
vol. 89, 2016, p. 73-84.
Religious Fragmentation, Social Identity and Cooperation: Evidence from an Artefactual Field Experiment in India
Surajeet Chakravarty,
Miguel Fonseca,
Sudeep Ghosh,
Sugata Marjit
vol. 90, 2016, p. 265-279.
The Cyclical Behavior of Equilibrium Unemployment and Vacancies across OECD Countries
Pedro Amaral,
Murat Tasci
vol. 84, 2016, p. 184-201.
Firm-Specific Capital, Inflation Persistence and the Sources of Business Cycles
Joao Madeira
vol. 74, 2015, p. 229-243.
An Experiment on the Causes of Bank Run Contagions
Miguel Fonseca,
Surajeet Chakravarty,
Todd Kaplan
vol. 72, 2014, p. 39-51.
Determinants of Sovereign Bond Yield Spreads in the EMU: An Optimal Currency Area Perspective
Mauro Costantini,
Matteo Fragetta,
Giovanni Melina
vol. 70, 2014, p. 337-349.
Firm Entry Deregulation, Competition and Returns to Education and Skill
Ana P. Fernandes,
Priscila Ferreira,
L. Alan Winters
vol. 70, 2014, p. 210-230.
Foreign-Owned Firms around the World: A Comparative Analysis of Wages and Employment at the Micro-level
Pedro Silva Martins,
Thorsten Schank,
Alexander Hijzen,
Richard Upward
vol. 60, 2013, p. 170-188.
Labor Immobility and the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union
Bernardino Adão,
Isabel Horta Correia
vol. 63, 2013, p. 28-46.
Margins and Market Shares: Pharmacy Incentives for Generic Substitution
Kurt Brekke,
Tor Helge Holmas,
Odd Rune Straume
vol. 61, 2013, p. 116-131.
Size Inequality, Coordination Externalities and International Trade Agreements
Nuno Limão,
Kamal Saggi
vol. 63, 2013, p. 10-27.
Ageing, Cognitive Abilities and Retirement
Fabrizio Mazzonna,
Franco Peracchi
vol. 56, 2012, p. 691-710.
Explicit vs. Tacit Collusion-The Impact of Communication in Oligopoly Experiments
Miguel Fonseca,
Hans-Theo Normann
vol. 56, 2012, p. 1759-1772.
How Former Business Owners Fare in the Labor Market? Job Assignment and Earnings
Francisco Lima,
Rui Baptista,
Miguel Torres Preto
vol. 56, 2012, p. 263-276.
Understanding the Solar Home Price Premium: Electricity Generation and `Green` Social Status
Samuel R. Dastrup,
Joshua Graff Zivin,
Matthew E. Kahn,
Dora L. Costa
vol. 56, 2012, p. 961-973.
Market Experience Eliminates Some Anomalies--And Creates New Ones
Jacinto Braga,
Steven Humphrey,
Chris Starmer
vol. 53, 2009, p. 401-416.
Price Manipulation in an Experimental Asset Market
Helena Veiga,
Marc Vorsatz
vol. 53, 2009, p. 327-342.
Spillovers and the Competitive Pressure for Long-Run Innovation
Ana Balcão Reis,
Daniel Traça
vol. 52, 2008, p. 589-610.
Consumption Externalities, Production Externalities, and Efficient Capital Accumulation under Time Non-Separable Preferences
Stephen Turnovsky,
Gonçalo Monteiro
vol. 51, 2007, p. 479-504.
Mixing Goods with Two-Part Tariffs
Steffen Hoernig,
Tommaso Valletti
vol. 51, 2007, p. 1733-1750.
Start Up Costs, Limited Enforcement, and the Hidden Economy
António Antunes,
Tiago Cavalcanti
vol. 51, 2007, p. 203-224.
Time- or State-Dependent Price Setting Rules? Evidence from Micro Data
Daniel Dias,
Carlos Robalo Marques,
João Santos Silva
vol. 51, 2007, p. 1589-1613.
Mergers in the Food Retailing Sector: An Empirical Investigation
Pedro Pita Barros,
Duarte Brito,
Diogo Lucena
vol. 50, 2006, p. 447-468.
Tenure, Business Cycle and the Wage-Setting Process
Leandro Arozamena,
Mário Centeno
vol. 50, 2006, p. 401-424.
Allocating Bank Regulatory Powers: Lender of Last Resort, Deposit Insurance and Supervision
Charles Kahn,
João Santos
vol. 49, 2005, p. 2107-2136.
Downstream Merger with Upstream Market Power
Kjell Erik Lommerud,
Odd Rune Straume,
Lars Sorgard
vol. 49, 2005, p. 717-743.
Simultaneous Entry and Welfare
Luis Cabral
vol. 48, 2004, p. 943-957.
Asymmetry, Stability and Growth in a Step-by-Step R&D-Race
Steffen Hoernig
vol. 47, 2003, p. 245-257.
Looking behind the Curtain--Effects from Modernization of European Union Competition Policy
Pedro Pita Barros
vol. 47, 2003, p. 613-624.
The Impact of Minimum Wages on Youth Employment in Portugal
Sónia Pereira
vol. 47, 2003, p. 229-244.
Procurement Favouritism and Technology Adoption
Fernando Branco
vol. 46, 2002, p. 73-91.
Hedging and Financial Fragility in Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes
Craig Burnside,
Martin Eichenbaum,
Sergio Rebelo
vol. 45, 2001, p. 1151-1193.
How Democracy Affects Growth
José Tavares,
Romain Wacziarg
vol. 45, 2001, p. 1341-1378.
Optimal Magnitude and Probability of Fines
Nuno Garoupa
vol. 45, 2001, p. 1765-1771.
Asymmetric Information as a Commitment in Oligopoly
Fátima Barros
vol. 41, 1997, p. 207-225.
Firm Start-Up Size: A Conditional Quantile Approach
José Mata,
José Machado
vol. 40, 1996, p. 1305-1323.
Sectoral Solow Residuals
Craig Burnside,
Martin Eichenbaum,
Sergio Rebelo
vol. 40, 1996, p. 861-869.
Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy
Isabel Horta Correia,
João César das Neves,
Sergio Rebelo
vol. 39, 1995, p. 1089-1113.
Merger Policy in Open Economies
Pedro Pita Barros,
Luis Cabral
vol. 38, 1994, p. 1041-1055.
Marginal Income Tax Rates and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
William Easterly,
Sergio Rebelo
vol. 37, 1993, p. 409-417.
Business Cycles from 1850 to 1950: New Facts about Old Data
Isabel Horta Correia,
João César das Neves,
Sergio Rebelo
vol. 36, 1992, p. 459-467.
Public Debt and Implicit Taxes: The Portuguese Experience
Jorge Braga de Macedo,
Manuel Sebastião
vol. 33, 1989, p. 573-579.