Frequently Asked Questions

We only collect regular information for a selected number of journals. These are the journals that show up in bold in the list of journals (the CEFUP+NIPE (2012) ranking). We will automatically add information for articles that satisfy all of the following criteria:

  1. co-authored by a Portuguese author or an author affiliated with a Portuguese institution
  2. published in one of the journals belonging to the CEFUP+NIPE (2012) ranking
  3. added to the Econlit database before a given cutoff period. For example, if we use the 'Econlit December 2011' that means that we only include articles that were added to the Econlit until december 2011. The field 'update code' in the Econlit database tells you when the article was added to the database.

Exceptionally we will add articles that satisfy criteria 1 and 2 but are not present in the Econlit if that is due to errors, lack of coverage, or delays in the Econlit update. In this latter case we will add the article if the lag between the year the article was published and the latest year for the update is two or more years.

Per your request we will gladly add any other article provided that it is in the Econlit.

These pages are supported jointly by two research centers: NIPE (University of Minho) and CEF.UP (University of Porto).

This project was initiated several years ago by Paulo Guimarães when he was on the faculty at the University of Minho. In its first version it consisted of static web pages kept on his personal web site. Later, with the support of Ana Cardoso, then director of NIMA, a dynamic version of these pages was incorporated in the NIMA website. In 2001, after the change in NIMA's leadership and research priorities, Paulo Guimaraes left NIMA and the pages were taken offline.

We collect information on all Portuguese authors (regardless of affiliation) who publish in the selected list of journals as well as all other non-Portuguese authors who have a permanent affiliation with Portuguese institutions.

We collect regular information on publications in all journals that belong to the Econlit database and that show up in at least four rankings of journals in Economics (see our ranking list).
These journals are shown in bold in the list of journals.
Other journals are included per request but we will not search them periodically.

We will gladly add your publication to our database if the article is listed in the Econlit. Please contact us by email.

Please let us know if you find any incorrect information. We will try to correct it as soon as possible. Bear in mind that our work is volunteer and we update this website in our spare time.

By Portuguese law (dl n.º 15/96) every year all the institutions of higher education have to report to the Ministry of Education a list of their faculty using as reference the date of December 31. The database containing that information is available online and is known as Rebides

If you select 'All Publications by Authors in the Institution' we add up, for each institution, all the scientific production of its members, using REBIDES to identify the members of Portuguese Universities and using FCT to identify the members of FCT research centers. If you select 'Affiliation Reported in the article' we use simply the affiliation reported in the articles to identify the scientific production of the institutions.

After the ranking is produced all you have to do is click on the name of the institution!

Please note that the rankings are based on the JEL code classification as shown in the Econlit. Articles prior to 1991 may use the old JEL classification and thus are not considered in the rankings. We do not assign JEL codes to the articles. If you want to check the JEL code attributed to each article click on the title of the article.

After the ranking is produced click on the value of the score.

We update the information once a year.
The update is typically done in January. In the 2 weeks following the release of the update we introduce corrections and additions to the database. After that, the database is locked until the next update.

ResearcherID is a service linked to ISI Web of Knowledge that collects information on citations for all articles published by the author.
Additionally, the service also provides updated bibliometric indicators specificic to the author. We would like to make available in our website information on the link to the ResearcherID profile.
You can register at and send us an email with your ResearcherID link.
If you have any questions contact us and we will be glad to assist you with the process.

For the Portuguese Universities we tally up the production of all researchers with a contract of 50% or more time according to the REBIDES database for that year. For the FCT Research Centers we use the affiliation list reported on the FCT website and tally up the production of all members that are classified as 'integrado' and whose main affiliation is a Portuguese university.