Making Their Own Weather? Estimating Employer Labour-Market Power and Its Wage Effects
Pedro Silva Martins,
António Melo
Journal of Urban Economics,
vol. 139, 2024, p. 1-15.
How Representative Are Social Partners in Europe? The Role of Dissimilarity
Marta Martinez Matute,
Pedro Silva Martins
vol. 36, 2022, p. 424-444.
Rent Sharing in China: Magnitude, Heterogeneity and Drivers
Wenjing Duan,
Pedro Silva Martins
British Journal Of Industrial Relations,
vol. 60, 2022, p. 176-219.
30,000 Minimum Wages: The Economic Effects of Collective Bargaining Extensions
Pedro Silva Martins
British Journal Of Industrial Relations,
vol. 59, 2021, p. 335-369.
Collateral Damage? Labour Market Effects of Competing with China--At Home and Abroad
Sónia Cabral,
Pedro Silva Martins,
Joao Pereira dos Santos,
Mariana Tavares
vol. 88, 2021, p. 570-600.
Do Entry Wages Increase When Severance Pay Drops? Not in Recessions
Pedro Silva Martins
Economics Letters,
vol. 201, 2021, p. .
Effects of self-employment on hospitalizations: instrumental variables analysis of social security data
Judite Gonçalves,
Pedro Silva Martins
Small Business Economics,
vol. 57, 2021, p. 1527-1543.
Employee Training and Firm Performance: Evidence from ESF Grant Applications
Pedro Silva Martins
Labour Economics,
vol. 72, 2021, p. .
Should the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts increase in recessions? Evidence from a law reform
Pedro Silva Martins
International Review of Law and Economics,
vol. 68, 2021, p. .
What Drives Social Returns to Education? A Meta-analysis
Ying Cui,
Pedro Silva Martins
World Development,
vol. 148, 2021, p. .
Working to Get Fired? Unemployment Benefits and Employment Duration
Pedro Silva Martins
Journal of Policy Modeling,
vol. 43, 2021, p. 1016-30.
Assessing the Legal Value Added of Collective Bargaining Agreements
Pedro Silva Martins,
Joana Saraiva
International Review of Law and Economics,
vol. 62, 2020, p. .
No Extension without Representation? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Collective Bargaining
Alexander Hijzen,
Pedro Silva Martins
IZA Journal of Labor Economics ,
vol. 9, 2020, p. .
Frontal assault versus incremental change: A comparison of collective bargaining in Portugal and the Netherlands
Pedro Silva Martins,
Alexander Hijzen,
Jante Parlevliet
IZA Journal of Labor Policy,
vol. 9, 2019, p. 1-26.
The Microeconomic Impact of Employee Representatives: Evidence from Membership Thresholds
Pedro Silva Martins
Industrial Relations,
vol. 58, 2019, p. 591-622.
The Microeconomic Impacts of Employee Representatives: Evidence from Membership Thresholds
Pedro Silva Martins
Industrial Relations,
vol. 58, 2019, p. 591-622.
Bias in Returns to Tenure When Firm Wages and Employment Comove: A Quantitative Assessment and Solution
Andy Snell,
Pedro Silva Martins,
Heiko Stüber
Journal of Labor Economics,
vol. 36, 2018, p. 47-74.
Do Immigrants Displace Native Workers? Evidence from Matched Panel Data
Pedro Silva Martins,
Matloob Piracha,
José Varejão
Economic Modelling,
vol. 72, 2018, p. 216-222.
Globalized Labour Markets? International Rent Sharing across 47 Countries
Pedro Silva Martins,
Yong Yang
British Journal Of Industrial Relations,
vol. 53, 2015, p. 664-691.
Foreign-Owned Firms around the World: A Comparative Analysis of Wages and Employment at the Micro-level
Pedro Silva Martins,
Thorsten Schank,
Alexander Hijzen,
Richard Upward
European Economic Review,
vol. 60, 2013, p. 170-188.
Measuring What Employers Do about Entry Wages over the Business Cycle: A New Approach
Pedro Silva Martins,
Gary Solon,
Jonathan Thomas
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,
vol. 4, 2012, p. 36-55.
Paying More to Hire the Best? Foreign Firms, Wages, and Worker Mobility
Pedro Silva Martins
Economic Inquiry,
vol. 49, 2011, p. 349-363.
Downward Wage Rigidity in a Model of Equal Treatment Contracting
Pedro Silva Martins,
Andy Snell,
Jonathan Thomas
Scandinavian Journal Of Economics,
vol. 112, 2010, p. 841-863.
Firm-Level Social Returns to Education
Pedro Silva Martins,
Jim Jin
Journal of Population Economics,
vol. 23, 2010, p. 539-558.
Dismissals for Cause: The Difference That Just Eight Paragraphs Can Make
Pedro Silva Martins
Journal of Labor Economics,
vol. 27, 2009, p. 257-279.
Rent Sharing before and after the Wage Bill
Pedro Silva Martins
Applied Economics,
vol. 41, 2009, p. 2133-2151.
The Impact of Exporting on Firm Productivity: A Meta-analysis of the Learning-by-Exporting Hypothesis
Pedro Silva Martins,
Yong Yang
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv/Review Of World Economics,
vol. 145, 2009, p. 431-445.
Dispersion in Wage Premiums and Firm Performance
Pedro Silva Martins
Economics Letters,
vol. 101, 2008, p. 63-65.
Worker Churning and Firms´ Wage Policies
Pedro Silva Martins
International Journal Of Manpower,
vol. 29, 2008, p. 48-63.
Heterogeneity in Real Wage Cyclicality
Pedro Silva Martins
Scottish Journal Of Political Economy,
vol. 54, 2007, p. 684-698.
External Recruitments and Firm Performance
Pedro Silva Martins,
Francisco Lima
Applied Economics Letters,
vol. 13, 2006, p. 911-915.
The Inter-industry Wage Structure of U.S. Multinationals
Pedro Silva Martins
Economics Bulletin,
vol. 10, 2005, p. 1-7.
Wage Dynamics, Cohort Effects, and Limited Commitment Models
Pedro Silva Martins,
Andy Snell,
Jonathan Thomas
Journal Of The European Economic Association,
vol. 3, 2005, p. 350-359.
Does Education Reduce Wage Inequality? Quantile Regression Evidence from 16 Countries
Pedro Silva Martins,
Pedro Telhado Pereira
Labour Economics,
vol. 11, 2004, p. 355-371.
Industry Wage Premia: Evidence from the Wage Distribution
Pedro Silva Martins
Economics Letters,
vol. 83, 2004, p. 157-163.
Returns to Education and Wage Equations
Pedro Telhado Pereira,
Pedro Silva Martins
Applied Economics,
vol. 36, 2004, p. 525-531.
Firm Wage Differentials in a Competitive Industry: Some Matched-Panel Evidence
Pedro Silva Martins
International Journal Of Manpower,
vol. 24, 2003, p. 336-346.
Is There a Return-Risk Link in Education?
Pedro Telhado Pereira,
Pedro Silva Martins
Economics Letters,
vol. 75, 2002, p. 31-37.