
ICS - Inst. Ciências Sociais, U Lisboa
Artigos 42:

Deontological and Consequentialist Ethics and Attitudes towards Corruption: A Survey Data Analysis
Adrian Megias, Luis de Sousa, Fernando Jimenez-Sanchez
Social Indicators Research, vol. 170, 2023, p. 507-541.

Historical Gender Discrimination Does Not Explain Comparative Western European Development: Evidence from Portugal, 1300-1900
Nuno Pedro Palma, Jaime Reis, Lisbeth Rodrigues
Explorations In Economic History, vol. 88, 2023, p. .

Historical Gender Discrimination Does Not Explain Comparative Western European Development: Evidence from Portugal, 1300-1900
Nuno Pedro Palma, Jaime Reis, Lisbeth Rodrigues
Explorations In Economic History, vol. 88, 2023, p. .

Stunting and Wasting in a Growing Economy: Biological Living Standards in Portugal during the Twentieth Century
Alexandra L. Cermeno, Nuno Pedro Palma, Renato Jorge Pistola
Economics and Human Biology, vol. 51, 2023, p. .

Stunting and Wasting in a Growing Economy: Biological Living Standards in Portugal during the Twentieth Century
Alexandra L. Cermeno, Nuno Pedro Palma, Renato Jorge Pistola
Economics and Human Biology, vol. 51, 2023, p. .

The Long-Run Effects of Risk: An Equilibrium Approach
Christiaan van der Kwaak, Joao Madeira, Nuno Pedro Palma
European Economic Review, vol. 153, 2023, p. .

Towards a Water-Smart Society: Progress in Linking Theory and Practice
Sigrid Damman, Alexandra Schmuck, Rosario Oliveira, Steven (Stef) H. A. Koop, Maria do Ceu Almeida , Helena Alegre
Utilities Policy, vol. 85, 2023, p. .

Co-production and Voice in Policymaking: Participatory Processes in the European Periphery
Pedro Goulart, Roberto Falanga
European Journal Of Development Research, vol. 34, 2022, p. 1735-1744.

Governing the Diverse Forest: Polycentric Climate Governance in the Amazon
Fronika de Wit, Joao Morais Mourato
World Development, vol. 157, 2022, p. .

Governing the Diverse Forest: Polycentric Climate Governance in the Amazon
Fronika de Wit, Joao Morais Mourato
World Development, vol. 157, 2022, p. .

Neither Absolutism nor Negotiation: Spanish Empire Building and Political Economy in the 18th Century Caribbean
J. Bohorquez
Revista De Historia Economica, vol. 40, 2022, p. 313-348.

Portuguese Economic Journal, Past and Future
José Luis Cardoso
Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 21, 2022, p. 271-282.

The Ontological Politics of Freshness: Qualities of Food and Sustainability Governance
David M. Evans, Peter Jackson, Monica Truninger, Joao A. Baptista
Environment and Planning A, vol. 54, 2022, p. 461-476.

The Ontological Politics of Freshness: Qualities of Food and Sustainability Governance
David M. Evans, Peter Jackson, Monica Truninger, Joao A. Baptista
Environment and Planning A, vol. 54, 2022, p. 461-476.

The Real Effects of Monetary Expansions: Evidence from a Large-Scale Historical Experiment
Nuno Pedro Palma
Review Of Economic Studies, vol. 89, 2022, p. 1593-1627.

The 'Souths' of the 'Wests': Southern Critique and Comparative Housing Studies in Southern Europe and USA
Simone Tulumello
Housing Studies, vol. 37, 2022, p. 975-996.

The Value of Political Connections: Evidence from China's Anti-Corruption Campaign
Marta Alonso, Nuno Pedro Palma, Beatriz Simon-Yarza
Journal Of Institutional Economics, vol. 18, 2022, p. 785-805.

Wage Flexibility under Sectoral Bargaining
David Card, Ana Rute Cardoso
Journal Of The European Economic Association, vol. 20, 2022, p. 2013-2061.

Can Autocracy Promote Literacy? Evidence from a Cultural Alignment Success Story
Nuno Pedro Palma, Jaime Reis
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 186, 2021, p. 412-436.

Can Autocracy Promote Literacy? Evidence from a Cultural Alignment Success Story
Nuno Pedro Palma, Jaime Reis
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 186, 2021, p. 412-436.

The Efficiency of the Chinese Silver Standard, 1920-1933
Nuno Pedro Palma, Liuyan Zhao
Journal of Economic History, vol. 81, 2021, p. 872-908.

What We (Don't) Know So Far about Tolerance towards Corruption in European Democracies: Measurement Approaches, Determinants, and Types
Gustavo Gouvea Maciel
Social Indicators Research, vol. 157, 2021, p. 1131-1153.

Danger to the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street? The Bank Restriction Act and the Regime Shift to Paper Money, 1797-1821
Patrick K. O'Brien, Nuno Pedro Palma
European Review Of Economic History, vol. 24, 2020, p. 390-426.

What Are the Best Quorum Rules? A Laboratory Investigation
Luís Francisco Aguiar-Conraria, Pedro C. Magalhães, Christoph A. Vanberg
Public Choice, vol. 185, 2020, p. 215-231.

From Convergence to Divergence: Portuguese Economic Growth, 1527-1850
Nuno Pedro Palma, Jaime Reis
Journal of Economic History, vol. 79, 2019, p. 477-506.

Transparency, Policy Outcomes, and Incumbent Support
Luís Francisco Aguiar-Conraria, Pedro C. Magalhães, Francisco Veiga
Kyklos, vol. 72, 2019, p. 357-380.

Legal Corruption and Dissatisfaction with Democracy in the European Union
Gustavo Gouvea Maciel, Luis de Sousa
Social Indicators Research, vol. 140, 2018, p. 653-674.

The Multiscalar Nature of Urban Security and Public Safety: Crime Prevention from Local Policy to Policing in Lisbon (Portugal) and Memphis (the United States)
Simone Tulumello
Urban Affairs Review, vol. 54, 2018, p. 1134-1169.

Social Diffusion of Energy-Related Practices and Representations: Patterns and Policies in Portugal and Belgium
Françoise Bartiaux , Luisa Schmidt, Ana Horta, Augusta Correia
Energy Policy, vol. 88, 2016, p. 413-421.

Social Diffusion of Energy-Related Practices and Representations: Patterns and Policies in Portugal and Belgium
Françoise Bartiaux , Luisa Schmidt, Ana Horta, Augusta Correia
Energy Policy, vol. 88, 2016, p. 413-421.

Social Diffusion of Energy-Related Practices and Representations: Patterns and Policies in Portugal and Belgium
Françoise Bartiaux , Luisa Schmidt, Ana Horta, Augusta Correia
Energy Policy, vol. 88, 2016, p. 413-421.

Liberalism and Enlightened Political Economy
José Luis Cardoso
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 22, 2015, p. 934-948.

What Determines Foreign Policy in Latin America? Systemic versus Domestic Factors in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, 1946-2008
Octavio Amorim Neto, Andres Malamud
Latin American Politics And Society, vol. 57, 2015, p. 1-27.

Adult Attachment, Love Styles, Relationship Experiences and Subjective Well-Being: Cross-Cultural and Gender Comparison between Americans, Portuguese, and Mozambicans
Iolanda Costa Galinha, Shigehiro Oishi, Cícero Roberto Pereira, Derrick Wirtz, Francisco Esteves
Social Indicators Research, vol. 119, 2014, p. 823-852.

Politologos on the Run: Contrasting Paths to Internationalization of Southern Cone Political Scientists
Andres Malamud, Flavia Freidenberg
Latin American Politics And Society, vol. 55, 2013, p. 1-21.

The Green Economy and Sustainable Development: An Uneasy Balance?
Olívia Bina
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, vol. 31, 2013, p. 1023-1047.

The Nationalization of Electoral Cycles in the United States: A Wavelet Analysis
Luís Francisco Aguiar-Conraria, Pedro C. Magalhães, Maria Joana Soares
Public Choice, vol. 156, 2013, p. 387-408.

Wage Inequality in a Developing Open Economy: Portugal, 1944-1984
Pedro Lains, Ester Gomes Silva, Jordi Guilera
Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. 61, 2013, p. 287-311.

Enlightened Reforms and Economic Discourse in the Portuguese-Brazilian Empire (1750-1808)
José Luis Cardoso, Alexandre Mendes Cunha
History of Political Economy, vol. 44, 2012, p. 619-641.

Forecasting Spanish Elections
Pedro C. Magalhães, Luís Francisco Aguiar-Conraria, Michael S. Lewis-Beck
International Journal Of Forecasting, vol. 28, 2012, p. 769-776.

The Spread of a Transnational Model: 'Gated Communities' in Three Southern African Cities (Cape Town, Maputo and Windhoek)
Marianne Morange, Fabrice Folio, Elisabeth Peyroux, Jeanne Vivet
International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research, vol. 36, 2012, p. 890-914.

The Development of the Welfare State in Portugal: Trends in Social Expenditure between 1938 and 2003
Daniel Fernando Carolo, José Pereirinha
Revista De Historia Economica, vol. 28, 2010, p. 469-501.
