
Utilities Policy
Pontos Posição
CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012) 14.57 314/501
ABS (2010) 25.0 284/288
Australian RC (2010) 25.0 469/479
Ideas discounted recursive impact factor (2012) 0.81 255/396
Qualis (2008) 75.0 99/200
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) (2011) 10.11 253/476
Article Influence Score (2021) 0.63 263/409
Article Influence Score (2019) 0.52 267/428
Impact Factor (2021) 3.25 143/409
Impact Factor (2019) 1.84 174/440
Impact Factor (5 year) (2021) 3.5 146/409
Impact Factor (5 year) (2019) 2.36 162/428
SJR - Scimago (2021) 0.74 274/558
SJR - Scimago (2019) 0.82 246/549
Count (2021) 1.0 284/662
Artigos 65:

A Regulatory Robust Conditional Approach to Measuring the Efficiency of Wholesale Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Services
Miguel Alves Pereira, Hermilio Vilarinho, Giovanna D'Inverno, Ana Camanho
vol. 83, 2023, p. .

Challenges of Recycled Water Pricing
Thalita Salgado Fagundes, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 82, 2023, p. .

Determinants of Water Loss in Portuguese Utilities
Ines Meireles, Vitor Sousa, Jose Pedro Matos, Carlos Oliveira Cruz
vol. 83, 2023, p. .

Exploratory Analysis of the Water Governance Frameworks Regarding the OECD Principles in Two River Basins in Brazil and Portugal
Mirella Motta e Costa, Susana Neto Mirella Motta e Costa, Susana Neto Mirella Motta e Costa, Susana Neto
vol. 82, 2023, p. .

Exploring Tax-Related Sustainability Reporting by Electric Utilities
Manuel Castelo Branco, Delfina Gomes, Adelaide Martins
vol. 82, 2023, p. .

Operational Drivers of Water Reuse Efficiency in Portuguese Wastewater Service Providers
Antonio L. Amaral, Rita Martins, Luis C. Dias
vol. 83, 2023, p. .

Opportunities and Challenges for Small-Scale Flexibility in European Electricity Markets
Andressa Pedro, Mikolaj Krutnik, Van Malcolm Yadack, Lucas Pereira, Hugo Morais
vol. 80, 2023, p. .

Performance Analytics for Regulation in Retail Water Utilities: Guiding Asset Management by Identifying Peers and Targets
Hermilio Vilarinho, Giovanna D'Inverno, Henriqueta Novoa, Ana Camanho
vol. 82, 2023, p. .

Progress on Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Refugee Camps in the Middle East: A Comparative Study
Mai Wardeh, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 82, 2023, p. .

Towards a Water-Smart Society: Progress in Linking Theory and Practice
Sigrid Damman, Alexandra Schmuck, Rosario Oliveira, Steven (Stef) H. A. Koop, Maria do Ceu Almeida , Helena Alegre
vol. 85, 2023, p. .

Unveiling Underconsumption of Water and Electricity Services at the Bottom of the Income Distribution
Carla Teotonio, Rodrigo Martins, Micaela Antunes, Carlota Quintal
vol. 82, 2023, p. .

Water Affordability across and within European Countries: A Microdata Analysis
Rita Martins, Carlota Quintal, Carla Teotonio, Micaela Antunes
vol. 83, 2023, p. .

A Conceptual Construct on Value for Infrastructure Asset Management
Nuno Almeida, Manuela Trindade, D. Komljenovic, M. Finger
vol. 75, 2022, p. .

An Analysis of the Interactions between Daily Electricity Demand Levels in France
Diogo Santos Pereira, Antonio Cardoso Marques
vol. 76, 2022, p. .

Greater than the Sum: On Regulating Innovation in Electricity Distribution Networks with Externalities
Vítor Marques, Paulo Moisés Costa, Nuno Bento
vol. 79, 2022, p. .

Regional Consortia and Transaction Costs for Sanitation Services in Brazil
Hugo Consciência Silvestre, Rui Cunha Marques, Brian Dollery, Aldenisio Moraes Correia
vol. 78, 2022, p. .

Snapshot Review of Refuse-Derived Fuels
Jose Antonio Mayoral Chavando , Valter Silva, Luis A. C. Tarelho, Joao Sousa Cardoso, Daniela Eusebio
vol. 74, 2022, p. .

Impact of Vehicle Charging on Portugal's National Electricity Load Profile in 2030
Tiago Meintjes, Rui Castro, A. João Pires
vol. 73, 2021, p. .

Isomorphic Mimicry and the Effectiveness of Water-Sector Reforms in Brazil
Daniel Antonio Narzetti, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 70, 2021, p. .

Public Interest and Early Termination of PPP Contracts: Can Fair and Reasonable Compensations Be Determined?
Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 73, 2021, p. .

Public-Private Partnerships in the Water Sector: A Review
Sónia Lima, Ana Brochado, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 69, 2021, p. .

A Multi-agent System Approach to Exploit Demand-Side Flexibility in an Energy Community
Ines F. G. Reis, Ivo Goncalves, Marta A.R. Lopes, Carlos Henggeler Antunes
vol. 67, 2020, p. .

Better Utility Regulation through RIA? Merits and Implications Based on the Brazilian Case
Bruno Carvalho, Rodrigo Rondon, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 64, 2020, p. .

Climate Change Impacts on Electricity Demand: The Case of a Southern European Country
Susana Silva, Isabel Soares, Carlos Pinho
vol. 67, 2020, p. .

Costs Impact of a Transition to Hydrogen-Fueled Vehicles on the Spanish Power Sector
Jose Villar, Borja Olavarria, Salvador Domenech, F. Alberto Campos
vol. 66, 2020, p. .

Demand Response, Market Design and Risk: A Literature Review
Joana Sousa, Isabel Soares
vol. 66, 2020, p. .

Determinants of Access to Improved Water Sources: Meeting the MDGs
Micaela Antunes, Rita Martins
vol. 63, 2020, p. .

How Should Price-Responsive Electricity Tariffs Evolve? An Analysis of the German Net Demand Case
Diogo Santos Pereira, Antonio Cardoso Marques
vol. 66, 2020, p. .

Performance Benchmarking Using Composite Indicators to Support Regulation of the Portuguese Wastewater Sector
Alda A. Henriques, Ana Camanho, Pedro Amorim, Jaime G. Silva
vol. 66, 2020, p. .

Raising Consumers' Interest in Their Water Invoices: Challenges and Opportunities
Rita Martins, Patricia Moura e Sa
vol. 63, 2020, p. .

Regulatory Changes to Portugal's Social Tariffs: Carrying Water in a Sieve?
Rita Martins, Micaela Antunes, Adelino Fortunato
vol. 64, 2020, p. .

Sustainable Tariffs for Water and Wastewater Services
Rui Cunha Marques, João Miranda
vol. 64, 2020, p. .

The Impact of the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in the Electricity Price Formation: Is the Merit-Order Effect Occurring in Portugal?
Daniela Pereira Macedo, Antonio Cardoso Marques, Olivier Damette
vol. 66, 2020, p. .

The Potential of Energy Flexibility of Space Heating and Cooling in Portugal
Naim Majdalani, Daniel Aelenei, Rui Amaral Lopes, Carlos Augusto Santo Silva
vol. 66, 2020, p. .

What Rights and Whose Responsibilities in Water? Revisiting the Purpose and Reassessing the Value of Water Services Tariffs
Susana Neto, Jeff Camkin
vol. 63, 2020, p. .

Government Attenuation of Institutional Inefficiencies in Capital Markets: Influence on the Financial Performance of Brazilian Electricity Distribution Companies
Fernando Moreira da Silva, Manuel Portugal Ferreira, Fernando Ribeiro Serra, Claudia Frias Pinto
vol. 60, 2019, p. .

Liberalization and Customer Behavior in the Portuguese Residential Retail Electricity Market
Mohammad Ali Fotouhi Ghazvini, Sergio Ramos, Joao Soares, Rui Castro, Zita Vale
vol. 59, 2019, p. .

Making Ends Meet: Actual versus Potential Joint Affordability of Utility Services
Rita Martins, Carlota Quintal, Micaela Antunes
vol. 56, 2019, p. 120-126.

The Impact of Feed-In and Capacity Policies on Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources in Spain
Antonio C. Marques, Jose A. Fuinhas, Daniela Pereira Macedo
vol. 56, 2019, p. 159-168.

The Impact of the Decision Environment on Consumer Choice of Mobile Service Plans: An Experimental Examination
Maria Lurdes Castro Martins, Helena Szrek
vol. 56, 2019, p. 20-32.

Environmental and Economic Analysis of Solar Systems in Madeira, Portugal
Daniel Garigali Pestana, Sandy Rodrigues, F. Morgado-Dias
vol. 55, 2018, p. 31-40.

How to Watch the Watchmen? The Role and Measurement of Regulatory Governance
Rui Cunha Marques, Francisco Silva Pinto
vol. 51, 2018, p. 73-81.

Impact of Tertiary Reserve Sharing in Portugal
Pedro M. S. Frade, João J. E. Santana, M. Shafie-khah, João P. S. Catalao
vol. 55, 2018, p. 167-177.

Quantifying the Capacity Value of Natural Gas Efficiency in New England
Nathaniel Gilbraith, Paulina Jaramillo, Inês Lima Azevedo
vol. 50, 2018, p. 101-110.

Regulation by Contract: Overseeing PPPs
Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 50, 2018, p. 211-214.

Self-Supply and Regulated Tariffs: Dynamic Equilibria between Photovoltaic Market Evolution and Rate Structures to Ensure Network Sustainability
Ricardo Prata, Pedro M. S. Carvalho
vol. 50, 2018, p. 111-123.

Water Safety Plans by Utilities: A Review of Research on Implementation
Alexandra Roeger, Antonio Tavares
vol. 53, 2018, p. 15-24.

Price Relationships between Crude Oil and Transport Fuels in the European Union before and after the 2008 Financial Crisis
Vítor Moutinho, João Paulo Cerdeira Bento, Vladimir Hajko
vol. 45, 2017, p. 76-83.

Critical Analysis of the Portuguese Water Industry Restructuring Plan
Rita Martins, Adelino Fortunato
vol. 43, 2016, p. 131-139.

Efficiency and Productive Slacks in Urban Transportation Modes: A Two-Stage SDEA-Beta Regression Approach
Peter Wanke, Carlos Pestana Barros, Otávio Henrique dos Santos Figueiredo
vol. 41, 2016, p. 31-39.

Inclusive Governance: New Concept of Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Social Vulnerability Areas
Ester Feche Guimarães, Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 43, 2016, p. 124-129.

Redrafting Water Governance
Rui Cunha Marques, Francisco Silva Pinto, João Miranda
vol. 43, 2016, p. 1-3.

The 12 OECD Principles on Water Governance - When Science Meets Policy
Aziza Akhmouch, Francisco Nunes Correia
vol. 43, 2016, p. 14-20.

Water Affordability Issues in Developed Countries--The Relevance of Micro Approaches
Rita Martins, Carlota Quintal, Luís Cruz, Eduardo Barata
vol. 43, 2016, p. 117-123.

Water Governance in an Urban Age
Susana Neto
vol. 43, 2016, p. 32-41.

European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Impact on the Spanish Electricity Price during Phase II and Phase III Implementation
Carlos J. Pereira Freitas, Patrícia Pereira da Silva
vol. 33, 2015, p. 54-62.

Tariff Recommendations: A Panacea for the Portuguese Water Sector?
Francisco Silva Pinto, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 34, 2015, p. 36-44.

Smart Grids in the EU with Smart Regulation: Experiences from the UK, Italy and Portugal
João Crispim, José Braz, Rui Castro, Jorge Esteves
vol. 31, 2014, p. 85-93.

Disentangling the Cost Efficiency of Jointly Provided Water and Wastewater Services
Pedro Carvalho, Rui Cunha Marques, Nuno Ferreira da Cruz
vol. 24, 2013, p. 70-77.

The Capacity to Spend Development Funds in the Energy Sector
Morgan D. Bazilian, Christine Eibs Singer, Giorgio Gualberti
vol. 26, 2013, p. 36-44.

A Meta-regression Analysis of Benchmarking Studies on Water Utilities Market Structure
Pedro Carvalho, Rui Cunha Marques, Sanford Berg
vol. 21, 2012, p. 40-49.

Public-Private Partnership and Corporate Public Sector Organizations: Alternative Ways to Increase Social Performance in the Portuguese Water Sector?
Hugo Consciência Silvestre
vol. 22, 2012, p. 41-49.

Reform and regulation of the Portuguese rail sector. What has failed?
Jorge Santos, Ana Furtado, Rui Cunha Marques
vol. 18, 2010, p. 94-102.

Auction procedures and competition in public services: The case of urban public transport in France and London
Miguel Amaral, Stephane Saussier, Anne Yvrande-Billon
vol. 17, 2009, p. 166-175.

Poverty and environmental impacts of electricity price reforms in Montenegro
Patrícia Silva, Irina Klytchnikova, Dragana Radevic
vol. 17, 2009, p. 102-113.
