Optimal Dynamic Capital Requirements
Caterina Mendicino,
Kalin Nikolov,
Javier Suarez,
Dominik Supera
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
vol. 50, 2018, p. 1271-1297.
Sticky Leverage
João Ferreira Gomes,
Urban Jermann,
Lukas Schmid
American Economic Review,
vol. 106, 2016, p. 3800-3828.
Sticky Leverage
João Ferreira Gomes,
Urban Jermann,
Lukas Schmid
American Economic Review,
vol. 106, 2016, p. 3800-3828.
Market Size Structure and Small Business Lending: Are Crisis Times Different from Normal Times?
Allen Berger,
Geraldo Cerqueiro,
Maria F. Penas
Review Of Finance,
vol. 19, 2015, p. 1965-1995.
Risks Deter but Pleasures Allure: Is Pleasure More Important?
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Rui Leite,
Karl Peltzer,
Shandir Ramlagan
Judgment And Decision Making,
vol. 10, 2015, p. 204-218.
Legislative Committees as Information Intermediaries: A Unified Theory of Committee Selection and Amendment Rules
Eduardo M. Azevedo,
Attila Ambrus,
Yuichiro Kamada,
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Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
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Pop Internationalism: Has Half a Century of World Music Trade Displaced Local Culture?
Fernando Ferreira,
Joel Waldfogel
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vol. 123, 2013, p. 634-664.
A Comparison of EPI Sampling, Probability Sampling, and Compact Segment Sampling Methods for Micro and Small Enterprises
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Karl Peltzer,
Shandir Ramlagan,
Peter Fleming,
Rui Leite,
Jesswill Magerman,
Godfrey B. Ngwenya,
Nuno Sousa Pereira,
Jere Behrman
Journal of Development Economics,
vol. 98, 2012, p. 94-107.
A Comparison of EPI Sampling, Probability Sampling, and Compact Segment Sampling Methods for Micro and Small Enterprises
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Karl Peltzer,
Shandir Ramlagan,
Peter Fleming,
Rui Leite,
Jesswill Magerman,
Godfrey B. Ngwenya,
Nuno Sousa Pereira,
Jere Behrman
Journal of Development Economics,
vol. 98, 2012, p. 94-107.
A Comparison of EPI Sampling, Probability Sampling, and Compact Segment Sampling Methods for Micro and Small Enterprises
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Karl Peltzer,
Shandir Ramlagan,
Peter Fleming,
Rui Leite,
Jesswill Magerman,
Godfrey B. Ngwenya,
Nuno Sousa Pereira,
Jere Behrman
Journal of Development Economics,
vol. 98, 2012, p. 94-107.
Portuguese Pellets Market: Analysis of the Production and Utilization Constrains
Eliseu Monteiro,
Vishveshwar Mantha,
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Energy Policy,
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Predicting (Un)healthy Behavior: A Comparison of Risk-Taking Propensity Measures
Helena Szrek,
Li-Wei Chao,
Shandir Ramlagan,
Karl Peltzer
Judgment And Decision Making,
vol. 7, 2012, p. 716-727.
Risk-Neutral Firms Can Extract Unbounded Profits from Consumers with Prospect Theory Preferences
Eduardo M. Azevedo,
Daniel Gottlieb
Journal of Economic Theory,
vol. 147, 2012, p. 1291-1299.
Does Debtor Protection Really Protect Debtors? Evidence from the Small Business Credit Market
Allen Berger,
Geraldo Cerqueiro,
Maria F. Penas
Journal of Banking and Finance,
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Impact of European Standard EN15251 in the Energy Certification of Services Buildings--A Portuguese Study Case
José Luís Alexandre,
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Miguel Silva,
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vol. 39, 2011, p. 6390-6399.
Monetary Policy and Corporate Default Discussion
João Ferreira Gomes
Journal of Monetary Economics,
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Vaccine Supply: Effects of Regulation and Competition
Patricia Danzon,
Nuno Sousa Pereira
International Journal of the Economics of Business,
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Decoupling as Transactions Tax
Nuno Garoupa,
Chris William Sanchirico
Journal Of Legal Studies,
vol. 39, 2010, p. 469-496.
Levered Returns
João Ferreira Gomes,
Lukas Schmid
Journal of Finance,
vol. 65, 2010, p. 467-494.
Too Sick to Start: Entrepreneur's Health and Business Entry in Townships around Durban, South Africa
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Nuno Sousa Pereira,
Mark Pauly
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship,
vol. 15, 2010, p. 231-242.
Too Sick to Start: Entrepreneur's Health and Business Entry in Townships around Durban, South Africa
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Nuno Sousa Pereira,
Mark Pauly
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship,
vol. 15, 2010, p. 231-242.
Durability of Output and Expected Stock Returns
João Ferreira Gomes,
Leonid Kogan,
Motohiro Yogo
Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 117, 2009, p. 941-986.
Durability of Output and Expected Stock Returns
João Ferreira Gomes,
Leonid Kogan,
Motohiro Yogo
Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 117, 2009, p. 941-986.
Time Preference and Its Relationship with Age, Health, and Survival Probability
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Nuno Sousa Pereira,
Mark Pauly
Judgment And Decision Making,
vol. 4, 2009, p. 1-19.
Time Preference and Its Relationship with Age, Health, and Survival Probability
Li-Wei Chao,
Helena Szrek,
Nuno Sousa Pereira,
Mark Pauly
Judgment And Decision Making,
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Differential Victimization: Efficiency and Fairness Justifications for the Felony Murder Rule
Nuno Garoupa,
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The Value of Choice in Insurance Purchasing
Helena Szrek,
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Asset Pricing Implications of Firms´ Financing Constraints
João Ferreira Gomes,
Amir Yaron,
Lu Zhang
Review of Financial Studies,
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Asset Pricing Implications of Firms´ Financing Constraints
João Ferreira Gomes,
Amir Yaron,
Lu Zhang
Review of Financial Studies,
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Measuring the Effects of Work Loss on Productivity with Team Production
Sean Nicholson,
Mark Pauly,
Daniel Polsky,
Claire Sharda,
Helena Szrek,
Marc Berger
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vol. 15, 2006, p. 111-123.
Measuring the Effects of Work Loss on Productivity with Team Production
Sean Nicholson,
Mark Pauly,
Daniel Polsky,
Claire Sharda,
Helena Szrek,
Marc Berger
Health Economics,
vol. 15, 2006, p. 111-123.
Measuring the Effects of Work Loss on Productivity with Team Production
Sean Nicholson,
Mark Pauly,
Daniel Polsky,
Claire Sharda,
Helena Szrek,
Marc Berger
Health Economics,
vol. 15, 2006, p. 111-123.
A Simulation Approach to Dynamic Portfolio Choice with an Application to Learning about Return Predictability
Michael Brandt,
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Productivity in Pharmaceutical-Biotechnology R&D: The Role of Experience and Alliances
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Productivity in Pharmaceutical-Biotechnology R&D: The Role of Experience and Alliances
Patricia Danzon,
Sean Nicholson,
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Journal Of Health Economics,
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Productivity in Pharmaceutical-Biotechnology R&D: The Role of Experience and Alliances
Patricia Danzon,
Sean Nicholson,
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Journal Of Health Economics,
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Optimal Diversification: Reconciling Theory and Evidence
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Asset Prices and Business Cycles with Costly External Finance
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Asset Prices and Business Cycles with Costly External Finance
João Ferreira Gomes,
Amir Yaron,
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Equilibrium Cross Section of Returns
João Ferreira Gomes,
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Indivisibilities, Lotteries, and Monetary Exchange
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Learning-by-Doing as a Propagation Mechanism
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Learning-by-Doing as a Propagation Mechanism
Yongsung Chang,
João Ferreira Gomes,
Frank Schorfheide
American Economic Review,
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Learning-by-Doing as a Propagation Mechanism
Yongsung Chang,
João Ferreira Gomes,
Frank Schorfheide
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Simulated Likelihood Estimation of Diffusions with an Application to Exchange Rate Dynamics in Incomplete Markets
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Journal of Financial Economics,
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