Is There a Pervasive World Real Credit Cycle?
Vitor Castro,
Pedro André Cerqueira,
Rodrigo Martins
Open Economies Review,
vol. 35, 2024, p. 99-119.
Lockdowns, Vaccines, and the Economy: How Economic Perceptions Were Shaped during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Scottish Journal Of Political Economy,
vol. 71, 2024, p. 439-456.
A Quest between Fiscal and Market Discipline
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Economic Modelling,
vol. 119, 2023, p. .
Interest Rate Gaps in an Uncertain Global Context: Why 'Too' Low (High) for 'So' Long?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Empirical Economics,
vol. 64, 2023, p. 539-565.
The Duration of Acceleration Cycle Downturns: Duration Dependence, International Dynamics and Synchronisation
George Koutsoumanis,
Vitor Castro
Empirical Economics,
vol. 64, 2023, p. 1667-1698.
The Relationship between Excessive Lending, Risk Premium and Risk-Taking: Evidence from European Banks
Thaer Alhalabi,
Vitor Castro,
Justine Wood
International Journal Of Finance And Economics,
vol. 28, 2023, p. 448-471.
A New Comprehensive Database of Financial Crises: Identification, Frequency, and Duration
Thanh Cong Nguyen,
Vitor Castro,
Justine Wood
Economic Modelling,
vol. 108, 2022, p. .
On the International Co-movement of Natural Interest Rates
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal Of International Financial Markets, Institutions And Money,
vol. 80, 2022, p. .
Political Economy of Financial Crisis Duration
Thanh Cong Nguyen,
Vitor Castro,
Justine Wood
Public Choice,
vol. 192, 2022, p. 309-330.
Political Environment and Financial Crises
Thanh Conga Nguyen,
Vitor Castro,
Justine Wood
International Journal Of Finance And Economics,
vol. 27, 2022, p. 417-438.
Political environment and financial crisis
Thanh Conga Nguyen,
Vitor Castro,
Justine Wood
International Journal Of Finance And Economics,
vol. 192, 2022, p. 309-330.
Economic Liberalization, Political Regimes and Ideology
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
vol. 74, 2021, p. 463-487.
Government Ideology and Economic Freedom
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Journal Of Comparative Economics,
vol. 49, 2021, p. 73-91.
On the Duration of Sovereign Ratings Cycle Phases
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
vol. 182, 2021, p. 512-526.
What Drives the Duration of Credit Booms?
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
International Journal Of Finance And Economics,
vol. 26, 2021, p. 1531-1549.
Why are Credit Booms Sometimes Sweet and Sometimes Sour?
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
International Journal Of Finance And Economics,
vol. 26, 2021, p. 3054-3074.
Global Factors, Uncertainty, Weather Conditions and Energy Prices: On the Drivers of the Duration of Commodity Price Cycle Phases
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Shawkat Hammoudeh,
Ricardo Sousa
Energy Economics,
vol. 90, 2020, p. .
How Does Monetary Policy Respond to the Dynamics of the Shadow Banking Sector?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Fredj Jawadi,
Ricardo Sousa
International Journal Of Finance And Economics,
vol. 25, 2020, p. 228-247.
Riding the Wave of Credit: Are Longer Expansions Really a Bad Omen?
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Open Economies Review,
vol. 31, 2020, p. 729-751.
The Collapse of Credit Booms: A Competing Risks Analysis
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Journal Of Economic Studies,
vol. 47, 2020, p. 1437-1465.
The Housing Cycle: What Role for Mortgage Market Development and Housing Finance?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal Of Real Estate Finance And Economics,
vol. 61, 2020, p. 607-670.
Unconventional Monetary Policy Reaction Functions: Evidence from the US
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Gilles Dufrénot,
Fredj Jawadi,
Ricardo Sousa
Studies In Nonlinear Dynamics And Econometrics,
vol. 24, 2020, p. 1-18.
A Competing Risks Tale on Successful and Unsuccessful Fiscal Consolidations
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal Of International Financial Markets, Institutions And Money,
vol. 63, 2019, p. .
Budgets, Expenditure Composition and Political Manipulation
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
International Review of Applied Economics,
vol. 33, 2019, p. 172-187.
Political and Institutional Determinants of Credit Booms
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,
vol. 81, 2019, p. 1144-1178.
Economic Activity, Credit Market Conditions, and the Housing Market
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Macroeconomic Dynamics,
vol. 22, 2018, p. 1769-1789.
Financial Markets' Shutdown and Reaccess
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Economic Inquiry,
vol. 56, 2018, p. 562-571.
Functional Components of Public Expenditure, Fiscal Consolidations, and Economic Activity
Vitor Castro
Economics and Politics,
vol. 30, 2018, p. 124-150.
Politically Driven Cycles in Fiscal Policy: In Depth Analysis of the Functional Components of Government Expenditures
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
European Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 55, 2018, p. 44-64.
Shades of Red and Blue: Government Ideology and Sustainable Development
Toke S. Aidt,
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Public Choice,
vol. 175, 2018, p. 303-323.
Systemic Financial Crises and the Housing Market Cycle
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Applied Economics Letters,
vol. 25, 2018, p. 724-729.
The Electoral Dynamics of Human Development
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Journal Of Development Studies,
vol. 54, 2018, p. 191-211.
The Impact of Fiscal Consolidation on Human Development
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Joao Tovar Jalles,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal Of International Development,
vol. 30, 2018, p. 399-429.
The Legacy and the Tyranny of Time: Exit and Re-entry of Sovereigns to International Capital Markets
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
vol. 50, 2018, p. 1969-1994.
Income Inequality, Fiscal Stimuli and Political (In)stability
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Joao Tovar Jalles,
Ricardo Sousa
International Tax and Public Finance,
vol. 24, 2017, p. 484-511.
Pure, White and Deadly . . . Expensive: A Bitter Sweetness in Health Care Expenditure
Vitor Castro
Health Economics,
vol. 26, 2017, p. 1644-1666.
Spillovers from the Oil Sector to the Housing Market Cycle
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Shawkat Hammoudeh,
Ricardo Sousa
Energy Economics,
vol. 61, 2017, p. 209-220.
The Impact of Fiscal Consolidations on the Functional Components of Government Expenditures
Vitor Castro
Economic Modelling,
vol. 60, 2017, p. 138-150.
Are There Political Cycles Hidden inside Government Expenditures?
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Applied Economics Letters,
vol. 23, 2016, p. 34-37.
Financial Stress and Sovereign Debt Composition
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Joao Tovar Jalles,
Ricardo Sousa
Applied Economics Letters,
vol. 23, 2016, p. 678-683.
Booms, Busts, and Normal Times in the Housing Market.
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,
vol. 33, 2015, p. 25-45.
Do Debt Crises Boost Financial Reforms?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Joao Tovar Jalles,
Ricardo Sousa
Applied Economics Letters,
vol. 22, 2015, p. 356-360.
Fiscal Consolidation and Financial Reforms
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Joao Tovar Jalles,
Ricardo Sousa
Applied Economics,
vol. 47, 2015, p. 3740-3755.
Is Fiscal Fatigue a Threat to Consolidation Programmes?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,
vol. 33, 2015, p. 765-779.
The Portuguese Business Cycle: Chronology and Duration Dependence
Vitor Castro
Empirical Economics,
vol. 49, 2015, p. 325-342.
What Determines the Likelihood of Structural Reforms?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Joao Tovar Jalles,
Ricardo Sousa
European Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 37, 2015, p. 129-145.
Fiscal Adjustments, Labour Market Flexibility and Unemployment
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Joao Tovar Jalles,
Ricardo Sousa
Economics Letters,
vol. 124, 2014, p. 231-235.
Is There Duration Dependence in Portuguese Local Governments` Tenure?
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
European Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 31, 2013, p. 26-39.
Macroeconomic Determinants of the Credit Risk in the Banking System: The Case of the GIPSI
Vitor Castro
Economic Modelling,
vol. 31, 2013, p. 672-683.
Running for Office Again: Evidence from Portuguese Municipal Elections
Vitor Castro,
Rodrigo Martins
Public Choice,
vol. 156, 2013, p. 677-702.
The Duration of Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions: Are There Change-Points in Duration Dependence?
Vitor Castro
Empirical Economics,
vol. 44, 2013, p. 511-544.
What Determines the Duration of a Fiscal Consolidation Program?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal of International Money and Finance,
vol. 37, 2013, p. 113-134.
How Do Central Banks React to Wealth Composition and Asset Prices?
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Economic Modelling,
vol. 29, 2012, p. 641-653.
How Does Fiscal Policy React to Wealth Composition and Asset Prices?
Luca Agnello,
Vitor Castro,
Ricardo Sousa
Journal of Macroeconomics,
vol. 34, 2012, p. 874-890.
Can Central Banks Monetary Policy Be Described by a Linear (Augmented) Taylor Rule or by a Nonlinear Rule
Vitor Castro
Journal Of Financial Stability,
vol. 7, 2011, p. 228-246.
The Impact of the European Union Fiscal Rules on Economic Growth
Vitor Castro
Journal of Macroeconomics,
vol. 33, 2011, p. 313-326.
The Duration of Economic Expansions and Recessions: More Than Duration Dependence
Vitor Castro
Journal of Macroeconomics,
vol. 32, 2010, p. 347-365.
How the Maastricht Criteria and the Stability and Growth Pact Affected Real Convergence in the European Union: A Panel Data Analysis
Elias Soukiazis,
Vitor Castro
Journal of Policy Modeling,
vol. 27, 2005, p. 385-399.
Political Business Cycles and Inflation Stabilization
Vitor Castro,
Francisco Veiga
Economics Letters,
vol. 83, 2004, p. 1-6.