
Rey Juan Carlos U
Articles 7:

Bibliometric Measurement of the Resource Curse and Its Implication for Sustainable Development
S. Lacarcel, Francisco Javier, Paula González-Padilla, Nelson Manuel da Silva de Matos, Marisol B. Correia
Resources Policy, vol. 89, 2024, p. .

How do entrepreneurs perform digital marketing across the customer journey? A review and discussion of the main uses.
Belém Barbosa, José Ramón, Dag Bennett
Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 49, 2024, p. 69-103.

How Do Entrepreneurs Perform Digital Marketing across the Customer Journey? A Review and Discussion of the Main Uses
Belém Barbosa, José Ramón, Dag Bennett
Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 49, 2024, p. 69-103.

The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Credit Risk of US Commercial Banks
Carmen Orden-Cruz, Jessica Paule-Vianez, Júlio Lobão
International Journal Of Finance And Economics, vol. 28, 2023, p. 3420-3436.

The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Credit Risk of US Commercial Banks
Carmen Orden-Cruz, Jessica Paule-Vianez, Júlio Lobão
International Journal Of Finance And Economics, vol. 28, 2023, p. 3420-3436.

Monetary Incentives, Motivational Orientation and Affective Commitment in Contact Centers: A Multilevel Mediation Model
Carlos-Maria Alcover, Maria Jose Chambel, Yolanda Estreder
Journal Of Economic Psychology, vol. 81, 2020, p. .

The Psychological Contract of Call-Centre Workers: Employment Conditions, Satisfaction and Civic Virtue Behaviours
Maria Jose Chambel, Carlos-Maria Alcover
Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 32, 2011, p. 115-134.
