
Duarte Brito
Ph D: UNL, Economics, 2001
Bachelor: U Nova, Economics, 1993
FCT research center:
Centro de Estudos e Formação Avançada em Gestão e Economia da Universidade de Évora (CEFAGE-UE) (2015)
REBIDES institution:
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (2015)
Researcher id:
Articles 32:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012).

Competitive Effects of Mergers and of Spectrum Divestment Remedies in Mobile Telecommunication Markets 10.23
Duarte Brito, Helder Vasconcelos
Telecommunications Policy, vol. 47, 2023, p. .

Cournot-Bertrand Endogenous Behavior in a Differentiated Oligopoly with Entry Deterrence 13.76
Duarte Brito, Margarida Catalão Lopes
Theory and Decision, vol. 95, 2023, p. 55-78.

Modelling the Objective Function of Managers in the Presence of Overlapping Shareholding 9.26
Duarte Brito, Einer Elhauge, Ricardo Ribeiro, Helder Vasconcelos
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 87, 2023, p. .

Post-merger Internal Organization in Multitier Decentralized Supply Chains 5.83
Margarida Catalão Lopes, Duarte Brito
Journal Of Economics (Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie), vol. 132, 2021, p. 251-289.

Overlapping ownership, endogenous quality, and welfare 10.94
Duarte Brito, Ricardo Ribeiro, Helder Vasconcelos
Economics Letters, vol. 190, 2020, p. .

Are Larger Merger Synergies Bad News for Consumers? Endogenous Post-merger Internal Organization 17.8
Duarte Brito, Margarida Catalão Lopes
Scandinavian Journal Of Economics, vol. 121, 2019, p. 1728-1756.

Can Partial Horizontal Ownership Lessen Competition More Than a Monopoly? 10.94
Duarte Brito, Ricardo Ribeiro, Helder Vasconcelos
Economics Letters, vol. 176, 2019, p. 90-95.

Input Price Discrimination in the Presence of Downstream Vertical Differentiation 10.94
Duarte Brito, Markos Tselekounis, Helder Vasconcelos
Economics Letters, vol. 184, 2019, p. .

Quantifying the Coordinated Effects of Partial Horizontal Acquisitions 15.91
Duarte Brito, Ricardo Ribeiro, Helder Vasconcelos
European Economic Review, vol. 110, 2018, p. 108-149.

Unilateral Effects Screens for Partial Horizontal Acquisitions: The Generalized HHI and GUPPI 9.26
Duarte Brito, António Osório, Ricardo Ribeiro, Helder Vasconcelos
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 59, 2018, p. 127-189.

Welfare Decreasing Endogenous Mergers between Producers of Complementary Goods 12.35
Pedro Pita Barros, Duarte Brito, Helder Vasconcelos
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 60, 2018, p. 54-95.

On the Impact of Input Prices on an Entrant's Profit under Multi-product Competition 10.19
Duarte Brito, Markos Tselekounis
Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 50, 2017, p. 105-125.

Access Regulation and the Entrant's Mode of Entry under Multi-product Competition in Telecoms 8.69
Duarte Brito, Markos Tselekounis
Information Economics and Policy, vol. 37, 2016, p. 20-33.

Can More Information About Rivals' Costs Decrease Welfare? 7.63
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, João Vareda
Manchester School, vol. 84, 2016, p. 251-269.

Impact of the Information Asymmetry between Managers and Owners under Oligopoly 9.72
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, João Vareda
Southern Economic Journal, vol. 82, 2016, p. 1311-1326.

Interfirm Bundling and Vertical Product Differentiation 17.8
Duarte Brito, Helder Vasconcelos
Scandinavian Journal Of Economics, vol. 117, 2015, p. 1-27.

Bundled Discounts: Strategic Substitutes or Complements? 16.4
Duarte Brito, Helder Vasconcelos
Economics Letters, vol. 124, 2014, p. 278-282.

Divesting Ownership in a Rival 12.35
Duarte Brito, Luis Cabral, Helder Vasconcelos
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 34, 2014, p. 9-24.

Horizontal Mergers, Entry and International Trade 17.85
Duarte Brito, Daniel Magueta
Review of International Economics, vol. 22, 2014, p. 923-943.

Measuring Unilateral Effects in Partial Horizontal Acquisition 12.35
Duarte Brito, Ricardo Ribeiro, Helder Vasconcelos
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 33, 2014, p. 22-36.

Mergers, Coordinated Effects and Efficiency in the Portuguese Non-life Insurance Industry 12.35
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, Joaquim Ramalho
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 31, 2013, p. 554-568.

Incentives to Invest and to Give Access to Non-regulated New Technologies 5.79
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, João Vareda
Information Economics and Policy, vol. 24, 2012, p. 197-211.

An Assessment of the Equality of Access and No-regulation Approaches to Next Generation Networks 6.82
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, João Vareda
Telecommunications Policy, vol. 35, 2011, p. 818-826.

Access to Bottleneck Inputs under Oligopoly: A Prisoners Dilemma? 14.58
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira
Southern Economic Journal, vol. 76, 2010, p. 660-677.

Can Two-Part Tariffs Promote Efficient Investment on Next Generation Networks? 12.35
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, João Vareda
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 28, 2010, p. 323-333.

Mergers of Producers of Complements: How Autonomous Markets Change the Price Effects 11.44
Duarte Brito, Margarida Catalão Lopes
Manchester School, vol. 78, 2010, p. 60-75.

Product Differentiation When Competing with the Suppliers of Bottleneck Inputs 17.79
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira
Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 39, 2009, p. 43-53.

Investment and Welfare Implications of the Ownership Structure of Overlapping Networks 8.69
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira
Information Economics and Policy, vol. 20, 2008, p. 38-53.

Mergers in the Food Retailing Sector: An Empirical Investigation 15.91
Pedro Pita Barros, Duarte Brito, Diogo Lucena
European Economic Review, vol. 50, 2006, p. 447-468.

Should Alternative Mergers or Acquisitions Be Considered by Antitrust Authorities? 37.05
Duarte Brito
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 23, 2005, p. 129-153.

Is There a 'Change in Efficiency Theory'? 9.23
Cesaltina Pires, Duarte Brito
International Journal of the Economics of Business, vol. 10, 2003, p. 337-345.

Preemptive Mergers under Spatial Competition 37.05
Duarte Brito
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 21, 2003, p. 1601-1622.
