
Manchester School web
Pontos Posição
CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012) 22.89 200/501
ABS (2010) 75.0 67/288
Australian RC (2010) 50.0 261/479
Carlos III (2010) 10.0 122/153
CNRS (2008) 40.0 177/336
Combes and Linnemer (2003) 17.0 174/253
Ideas discounted recursive impact factor (2012) 4.75 101/396
ISI, JCR SSE, Article Influence Score (2010) 2.51 268/316
ISI, JCR SSE, Impact Factor (2010) 4.48 337/388
Kalaitzidakis et al (2010) 0.86 95/196
Kodrzycki and Yu (2006) 0.99 119/177
Lubrano et al (2003) 20.0 162/211
Qualis (2008) 62.5 116/200
Ritzberger (2008) 1.67 120/153
Schneider and Ursprung (2008) 20.0 179/278
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) (2011) 5.52 377/476
Article Influence Score (2021) 0.33 357/409
Article Influence Score (2019) 0.28 348/428
Impact Factor (2021) 1.06 353/409
Impact Factor (2019) 0.62 392/440
Impact Factor (5 year) (2021) 0.95 365/409
Impact Factor (5 year) (2019) 0.68 393/428
SJR - Scimago (2021) 0.4 411/558
SJR - Scimago (2019) 0.36 410/549
Count (2021) 1.0 529/662
Artigos 30:

The Transmission of Unconventional Monetary Policy to Bank Credit Supply: Evidence from the TLTRO
António Afonso, Joana Sousa-Leite
vol. 88, 2020, p. 151-171.

Productivity Shocks in a Union-Duopoly Model
António Brandão, Joana Pinho
vol. 86, 2018, p. 722-756.

Can More Information About Rivals' Costs Decrease Welfare?
Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, João Vareda
vol. 84, 2016, p. 251-269.

A Generalized Goodness-of-Functional Form Test for Binary and Fractional Regression Models
Esmeralda Arranhado, Joaquim Ramalho, José Murteira
vol. 82, 2014, p. 488-507.

A Methodological Contribution to Measuring Skill (Mis)match
Fátima Suleman, Francesca Sgobbi
vol. 81, 2013, p. 420-437.

Determinants of the EONIA Spread and the Financial Crisis
Carla Soares, Paulo M. M. Rodrigues
vol. 81, 2013, p. 82-110.

Does Banning Price Discrimination Promote Entry and Increase Welfare? A Model of Differentiated-Product Duopoly with Asymmetric Markets
Silvia Ferreira Jorge, Cesaltina Pires
vol. 81, 2013, p. 660-681.

Emission Permits Trading and Downstream Strategic Market Interaction
Joana Resende, Giuseppe De Feo, María-Eugenia Sanin
vol. 81, 2013, p. 780-802.

Testing for Parameter Constancy Using Chebyshev Time Polynomials
Luis Martins
vol. 81, 2013, p. 586-598.

Assessing the Endogeneity of OCA Conditions in EMU
Carlos Vieira, Isabel Vieira
vol. 80, 2012, p. 77-91.

Maintenance and Destruction of R&D Leadership
Óscar Afonso, Ana Maria Bandeira
vol. 80, 2012, p. 740-751.

Consumption, Wealth, Stock and Government Bond Returns: International Evidence
António Afonso, Ricardo Sousa
vol. 79, 2011, p. 1294-1322.

R&D as a Prisoner s Dilemma and R&D-Avoiding Cartels
Rabah Amir, Filomena Garcia, Christine Halmenschlager, Joana Pais
vol. 79, 2011, p. 81-99.

Rent Sharing in Portuguese Banking
Natália Monteiro, Miguel Portela
vol. 79, 2011, p. 861-883.

Using Cost Observation to Regulate a Manager Who Has a Preference for Empire-Building
Ana Pinto Borges, João Correia da Silva
vol. 79, 2011, p. 29-44.

Growth and Wage Inequality in a Scale-Independent Model with R&D and Human-Capital Accumulation
Óscar Afonso
vol. 78, 2010, p. 149-182.

Mergers of Producers of Complements: How Autonomous Markets Change the Price Effects
Duarte Brito, Margarida Catalão Lopes
vol. 78, 2010, p. 60-75.

Macroeconomic Rates of Return of Public and Private Investment: Crowding-In and Crowding-Out Effects
António Afonso, Miguel St Aubyn
vol. 77, 2009, p. 21-39.

Manufacturing Wages in the Enlarged EU: The Role of Neighbour-Country Effects
Helena Marques, Hugh Metcalf
vol. 77, 2009, p. 65-81.

Finite Sample Effects of Pure Seasonal Mean Shifts on Dickey-Fuller Tests: A Simulation Study
Artur Silva Lopes
vol. 76, 2008, p. 528-538.

Transitional Dynamics of an Endogenous Growth Model with an Erosion Effect
Tiago Neves Sequeira
vol. 76, 2008, p. 436-452.

Two-Step Empirical Likelihood Estimation under Stratified Sampling When Aggregate Information Is Available
Esmeralda Arranhado, Joaquim Ramalho
vol. 74, 2006, p. 577-592.

Employee Training and Wage Compression in Britain
Filipe Almeida Santos, Karen Mumford
vol. 73, 2005, p. 321-342.

Endogenous Markups and Fiscal Policy
Luis Filipe Costa
vol. 72, 2004, p. 55-71.

The Evolution of the Financial Contract in Economic Development
Niloy Bose, Maria Pereira
vol. 72, 2004, p. 206-220.

Delegation in a Vertically Differentiated Duopoly
Fátima Barros, Isabel Grilo
vol. 70, 2002, p. 164-184.

Inflation Targeting, Exchange Rate Volatility and International Policy Coordination
Fernando Alexandre, John Driffill, Fabio Spagnolo
vol. 70, 2002, p. 546-569.

Can Fiscal Policy Improve Welfare in a Small Dependent Economy with Feedback Effects
Luis Filipe Costa
vol. 69, 2001, p. 418-439.

Can Conservatism Be Counterproductive? Delegation and Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union
Alvaro Pina
vol. 67, 1999, p. 88-115.

Tests for Stochastic Seasonality Applied to Daily Financial Time Series
Andrew Clare, Isabel Andrade, R. J. O' Brien, S. H. Thomas
vol. 67, 1999, p. 39-59.
