Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement
Lorenzo Caliendo,
Fernando Parro,
Luca David Opromolla,
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Journal of Political Economy,
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Changes in Assortative Matching and Inequality in Income: Evidence for the UK
Pierre-Andre Chiappori,
Mónica Costa Dias,
Sam Crossman,
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vol. 41, 2020, p. 39-63.
Productivity and Organization in Portuguese Firms
Lorenzo Caliendo,
Giordano Mion,
Luca David Opromolla,
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 128, 2020, p. 4211-4257.
School Grants and Education Quality: Experimental Evidence from Senegal
Pedro Carneiro,
Oswald Koussihouede,
Nathalie Lahire,
Costas Meghir,
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vol. 87, 2020, p. 28-51.
The Effect of Gender-Targeted Conditional Cash Transfers on Household Expenditures: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment
Alex Armand,
Orazio Attanasio,
Pedro Carneiro,
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Economic Journal,
vol. 130, 2020, p. 1875-1897.
The Scope of Sequential Screening with Ex Post Participation Constraints
Dirk Bergemann,
Francisco Ramos,
Gabriel Y. Weintraub
Journal of Economic Theory,
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Foreign Aid Preferences and Perceptions in Donor Countries
Daniel Kaufmann,
Eoin F. McGuirk,
Pedro Vicente
Journal Of Comparative Economics,
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The Marriage Market, Labor Supply, and Education Choice
Pierre-Andre Chiappori,
Mónica Costa Dias,
Costas Meghir
Journal of Political Economy,
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Multidimensional Platform Design.
André Veiga,
E. Glen Weyl,
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American Economic Review,
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Barefoot and Footloose Doctors: Optimal Resource Allocation in Developing Countries with Medical Migration
John E. Roemer,
Pedro Rosa Dias
Social Choice And Welfare,
vol. 46, 2016, p. 335-358.
Female Labor Supply, Human Capital, and Welfare Reform
Richard Blundell,
Mónica Costa Dias,
Costas Meghir,
Jonathan Shaw
vol. 84, 2016, p. 1705-1753.
Product Design in Selection Markets
André Veiga,
E. Glen Weyl
Quarterly Journal Of Economics,
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Heterogeneity in the Response to Gasoline Prices: Evidence from Pennsylvania and Implications for the Rebound Effect
Kenneth Gillingham,
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Uncertainty and Trade Agreements
Nuno Limão,
Giovanni Maggi
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics,
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Equalising Opportunities in Health through Educational Policy
Andrew M. Jones,
John E. Roemer,
Pedro Rosa Dias
Social Choice And Welfare,
vol. 43, 2014, p. 521-545.
Known Unknowns: Power Shifts, Uncertainty, and War
Alexandre Debs,
Nuno P. Monteiro
International Organization,
vol. 68, 2014, p. 1-31.
Known Unknowns: Power Shifts, Uncertainty, and War
Alexandre Debs,
Nuno P. Monteiro
International Organization,
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Legislative Committees as Information Intermediaries: A Unified Theory of Committee Selection and Amendment Rules
Eduardo M. Azevedo,
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Journal Of Economic Behavior And Organization,
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Maternal Education, Home Environments, and the Development of Children and Adolescents
Pedro Carneiro,
Costas Meghir,
Matthias Parey
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The Wisdom of Crowds: Predicting a Weather and Climate-Related Event
Miguel Fonseca,
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Anthony Leiserowitz,
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We Can Never Study Merely One Thing: Reflections on Systems Thinking and IR
Nuno P. Monteiro
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Estimating Marginal Returns to Education
Pedro Carneiro,
James Heckman,
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American Economic Review,
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Evaluating Marginal Policy Changes and the Average Effect of Treatment for Individuals at the Margin
Pedro Carneiro,
James Heckman,
Edward Vytlacil
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Investigating Income Effects in Scanner Data: Do Gasoline Prices Affect Grocery Purchases?
Dora Gicheva,
Justine Hastings,
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Investigating Income Effects in Scanner Data: Do Gasoline Prices Affect Grocery Purchases?
Dora Gicheva,
Justine Hastings,
Sofia Villas-Boas
American Economic Review,
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Reformulating Competition? Gasoline Content Regulation and Wholesale Gasoline Prices
Jennifer Brown,
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Erin Mansur,
Sofia Villas-Boas
Journal Of Environmental Economics And Management,
vol. 55, 2008, p. 1-19.
Reformulating Competition? Gasoline Content Regulation and Wholesale Gasoline Prices
Jennifer Brown,
Justine Hastings,
Erin Mansur,
Sofia Villas-Boas
Journal Of Environmental Economics And Management,
vol. 55, 2008, p. 1-19.
Exchange Rates and the International Adjustment Process
Pentti Kouri,
Jorge Braga de Macedo
Brookings Papers On Economic Activity,
vol. 1, 1978, p. 111-150.
Exchange Rates and the International Adjustment Process
Pentti Kouri,
Jorge Braga de Macedo
Brookings Papers On Economic Activity,
vol. 1, 1978, p. 111-150.