
Joana Pinho
FCT research center:
Centro de Economia e Finanças da Universidade do Porto (2015)
REBIDES institution:
Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Economia (2015)
Articles 12:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012).

Market configurations when marginal costs are quality‐dependent 3.13
Cesaltina Pires, Silvia Ferreira Jorge, Margarida Catalão Lopes, Joana Pinho, Pedro Garces, Adriana Alventosa
Managerial and Decision Economics, vol. 45, 2024, p. p3972-3992. 21p.

Vertical Product Differentiation in the Lab: Impact of Consumers' Preferences 3.04
Adriana Alventosa, Joana Pinho, Silvia Ferreira Jorge, Margarida Catalão Lopes
Applied Economics Letters, vol. 31, 2024, p. 1488-1493.

Public-Private Collusion 6.8
Filipa Mota, João Correia da Silva, Joana Pinho
Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 62, 2023, p. 393-417.

How Do Antitrust Regimes Impact on Cartel Formation and Managers' Labor Market? An Experiment 9.4
Miguel Fonseca, Ricardo Gonçalves, Joana Pinho, Giovanni A. Tabacco
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 204, 2022, p. 643-662.

Horizontal Mergers between Multisided Platforms: Insights from Cournot Competition 10.64
João Correia da Silva, Bruno Jullien, Yassine Lefouili, Joana Pinho
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 28, 2019, p. 109-24.

Collusion in Mixed Oligopolies and the Coordinated Effects of Privatization 5.83
João Correia da Silva, Joana Pinho
Journal Of Economics (Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie), vol. 124, 2018, p. 19-55.

Productivity Shocks in a Union-Duopoly Model 11.44
António Brandão, Joana Pinho
Manchester School, vol. 86, 2018, p. 722-756.

Sustaining Collusion in Markets with Entry Driven by Balanced Growth 3.89
João Correia da Silva, Joana Pinho, Helder Vasconcelos
Journal Of Economics (Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie), vol. 118, 2016, p. 1-34.

Welfare Effects of Unbundling under Different Regulatory Regimes in Natural Gas Markets 0.77
António Brandão, Joana Pinho, Joana Resende, Paula Sarmento, Isabel Soares
Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 15, 2016, p. 99-127.

Asymmetric Information and Exchange of Information about Product Differentiation 9.6
António Brandão, Joana Pinho
Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 67, 2015, p. 166-185.

Spatial Competition between Shopping Centers 11.42
António Brandão, João Correia da Silva, Joana Pinho
Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol. 50, 2014, p. 234-250.

Costly Horizontal Differentiation 1.91
João Correia da Silva, Joana Pinho
Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 10, 2011, p. 165-188.
