The Effectiveness of Remedial Courses: New Evidence from Undergraduate Students in Industrial Engineering
Francesca Sgobbi
Education Economics,
vol. 30, 2022, p. 320-337.
High-Performance Work Practices and Core Employee Wages: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Plants
Francesca Sgobbi,
Gian Carlo Cainarca
Industrial and Labor Relations Review,
vol. 68, 2015, p. 426-456.
The Value of Transferable Skills
Francesca Sgobbi,
Fátima Suleman
Scottish Journal Of Political Economy,
vol. 62, 2015, p. 378-399.
A Methodological Contribution to Measuring Skill (Mis)match
Fátima Suleman,
Francesca Sgobbi
Manchester School,
vol. 81, 2013, p. 420-437.