Collaboration Objectives and the Location of the University Partner: Evidence from the Piedmont Region in Italy
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas,
Federica Rossi,
Aldo Geuna
Papers In Regional Science,
vol. 93, 2014, p. S203-26.
Finding the Right Partners: Institutional and Personal Modes of Governance of University-Industry Interactions
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas,
Aldo Geuna,
Federica Rossi
Research Policy,
vol. 42, 2013, p. 50-62.
University-Industry Collaboration and Innovation in Emergent and Mature Industries in New Industrialized Countries
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas,
Rosane Argou Marques
Research Policy,
vol. 42, 2013, p. 443-453.
Openness to International Markets and the Diffusion of Standards Compliance in Latin America: A Multi Level Analysis
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas,
Michiko Iizuka
Research Policy,
vol. 41, 2012, p. 201-215.
The Kyoto Mechanisms and the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies in the BRICS
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas,
Eva Dantas,
Michiko Iizuka
Energy Policy,
vol. 42, 2012, p. 118-128.
Traditional versus Heterodox Motives for Academic Patenting: Evidence from the Netherlands
Alessandro Nuvolari,
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas
Industry And Innovation,
vol. 19, 2012, p. 671-695.
Formal and Informal External Linkages and Firms Innovative Strategies: A Cross-Country Comparison
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas,
Tommy H. Clausen,
Roberto Fontana,
Bart Verspagen
Journal Of Evolutionary Economics,
vol. 21, 2011, p. 91-119.
Technological Learning Environments and Organizational Practices--Cross-Sectoral Evidence from Britain
Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas
Industrial And Corporate Change,
vol. 20, 2011, p. 1439-1474.
The European University Landscape: A Micro Characterization Based on Evidence from the Aquameth Project
Cinzia Darai,
Andrea Bonaccorsi,
Aldo Geuna,
Benedetto Lepori,
Laurent Bach,
Peter Bogetoft,
Margarida F. Cardoso,
Elena Castro-Martinez,
Gustavo Crespi,
Ignacio Fernandez de Lucio,
Harold Fried,
Adela Garcia-Aracil,
Annamaria Inzelti,
Ben Jongbloed,
Gerhard Kempkes,
Patrick Llerenad,
Mireille Matt,
Maria Olivares,
Carsten Pohl,
Tarmo Ratyl,
Maria J. Rosas,
Cláudia S. Sarrico,
Léopold Simar,
Pedro Nuno Teixeira,
Stig Slipersaeter,
Philippe Vanden Eeckaut
Research Policy,
vol. 40, 2011, p. 148-164.