Do Robots Increase Wealth Dispersion?
Francisco Gomes,
Thomas Jansson,
Yigitcan Karabulut
Review of Financial Studies,
vol. 37, 2024, p. 119-160.
Household Finance
Francisco Gomes,
Michael Haliassos,
Tarun Ramadorai
Journal Of Economic Literature,
vol. 59, 2021, p. 919-1000.
Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice with Liquid and Illiquid Financial Assets
Claudio Campanale,
Carolina Fugazza,
Francisco Gomes
Journal of Monetary Economics,
vol. 71, 2015, p. 67-83.
Fiscal Policy and Asset Prices with Incomplete Markets
Francisco Gomes,
Alexander Michaelides,
Valery Polkovnichenko
Review of Financial Studies,
vol. 26, 2013, p. 531-566.
Longevity Risk, Retirement Savings, and Financial Innovation
João Cocco,
Francisco Gomes
Journal of Financial Economics,
vol. 103, 2012, p. 507-529.
Lending Relationships in the Interbank Market
João Cocco,
Francisco Gomes,
Nuno Martins
Journal Of Financial Intermediation,
vol. 18, 2009, p. 24-48.
Optimal Savings with Taxable and Tax-Deferred Accounts
Francisco Gomes,
Alexander Michaelides,
Valery Polkovnichenko
Review of Economic Dynamics,
vol. 12, 2009, p. 718-735.
Asset Pricing with Limited Risk Sharing and Heterogeneous Agents
Francisco Gomes,
Alexander Michaelides
Review of Financial Studies,
vol. 21, 2008, p. 415-449.
Optimal Life-Cycle Investing with Flexible Labor Supply: A Welfare Analysis of Life-Cycle Funds
Francisco Gomes,
Laurence Kotlikoff,
Luis Viceira
American Economic Review,
vol. 98, 2008, p. 297-303.
Exploiting Short-Run Predictability
Francisco Gomes
Journal of Banking and Finance,
vol. 31, 2007, p. 1427-1440.
Consumption and Portfolio Choice over the Life Cycle
João Cocco,
Francisco Gomes,
Pascal Maenhout
Review of Financial Studies,
vol. 18, 2005, p. 491-533.
Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation: Understanding the Empirical Evidence
Francisco Gomes,
Alexander Michaelides
Journal of Finance,
vol. 60, 2005, p. 869-904.
Portfolio Choice and Trading Volume with Loss-Averse Investors
Francisco Gomes
Journal of Business,
vol. 78, 2005, p. 675-706.
Portfolio Choice with Internal Habit Formation: A Life-Cycle Model with Uninsurable Labor Income Risk
Francisco Gomes,
Alexander Michaelides
Review of Economic Dynamics,
vol. 6, 2004, p. 729-766.