What Can Keep Euro Area Inflation High?
Ricardo Reis
Economic Policy,
vol. , 2023, p. 495-517.
Central Bank Swap Lines: Evidence on the Effects of the Lender of Last Resort
Saleem Bahaj,
Ricardo Reis
Review Of Economic Studies,
vol. 89, 2022, p. 1654-1693.
Debt Revenue and the Sustainability of Public Debt
Ricardo Reis
Journal Of Economic Perspectives,
vol. 36, 2022, p. 103-124.
Inflating Away the Public Debt? An Empirical Assessment
Jens Hilscher,
Alon Raviv ,
Ricardo Reis
Review of Financial Studies,
vol. 35, 2022, p. 1553-1595.
Losing the Inflation Anchor
Ricardo Reis
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,
vol. , 2021, p. 307-361.
Optimal Automatic Stabilizers
Alisdair McKay,
Ricardo Reis
Review Of Economic Studies,
vol. 88, 2021, p. 2375-2406.
Discussion: Sovereign Default and Monetary Policy Tradeoffs
Ricardo Reis
International Journal Of Central Banking,
vol. 14, 2018, p. 325-335.
Friedman's Presidential Address in the Evolution of Macroeconomic Thought
Gregory Mankiw,
Ricardo Reis
Journal Of Economic Perspectives,
vol. 32, 2018, p. 81-96.
Is Something Really Wrong with Macroeconomics?
Ricardo Reis
Oxford Review Of Economic Policy,
vol. 34, 2018, p. 132-155.
ESBies: Safety in the Tranches
Markus K. Brunnermeier,
Sam Langfield,
Marco Pagano,
Ricardo Reis,
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh,
Dimitri Vayanos
Economic Policy,
vol. , 2017, p. 175-213.
QE in the Future: The Central Bank's Balance Sheet in a Fiscal Crisis
Ricardo Reis
IMF Economic Review,
vol. 65, 2017, p. 71-112.
The Role of Automatic Stabilizers in the U.S. Business Cycle
Alisdair McKay,
Ricardo Reis
vol. 84, 2016, p. 141-194.
Looking for a Success in the Euro Crisis Adjustment Programs: The Case of Portugal
Ricardo Reis
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,
vol. , 2015, p. 433-447.
Central Bank Design
Ricardo Reis
Journal Of Economic Perspectives,
vol. 27, 2013, p. 17-44.
The Mystique Surrounding the Central Bank`s Balance Sheet, Applied to the European Crisis
Ricardo Reis
American Economic Review,
vol. 103, 2013, p. 135-140.
The Portuguese Slump and Crash and the Euro Crisis
Ricardo Reis
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,
vol. 0, 2013, p. 143-193.
Interpreting the Unconventional U.S. Monetary Policy of 2007-09
Ricardo Reis
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,
vol. 0, 2009, p. 119-165.
The Time-Series Properties of Aggregate Consumption: Implications for the Costs of Fluctuations
Ricardo Reis
Journal Of The European Economic Association,
vol. 7, 2009, p. 722-753.
The Brevity and Violence of Contractions and Expansions
Alisdair McKay,
Ricardo Reis
Journal of Monetary Economics,
vol. 55, 2008, p. 738-751.
Sticky Information in General Equilibrium
Gregory Mankiw,
Ricardo Reis
Journal Of The European Economic Association,
vol. 5, 2007, p. 603-613.
The Analytics of Monetary Non-neutrality in the Sidrauski Model
Ricardo Reis
Economics Letters,
vol. 94, 2007, p. 129-135.
The Persistence of Inflation in the United States
Frederic Pivetta,
Ricardo Reis
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
vol. 31, 2007, p. 1326-1358.
Inattentive Consumers
Ricardo Reis
Journal of Monetary Economics,
vol. 53, 2006, p. 1761-1800.
Inattentive Producers
Ricardo Reis
Review Of Economic Studies,
vol. 73, 2006, p. 793-821.
Pervasive Stickiness
Gregory Mankiw,
Ricardo Reis
American Economic Review,
vol. 96, 2006, p. 164-169.
Monetary Policy for Inattentive Economies
Laurence Ball,
Gregory Mankiw,
Ricardo Reis
Journal of Monetary Economics,
vol. 52, 2005, p. 703-725.
What Measure of Inflation Should a Central Bank Target?
Gregory Mankiw,
Ricardo Reis
Journal Of The European Economic Association,
vol. 1, 2003, p. 1058-1086.
Costs of Banking System Instability: Some Empirical Evidence
Glenn Hoggarth,
Ricardo Reis,
Victoria Saporta
Journal of Banking and Finance,
vol. 26, 2002, p. 825-855.
Sticky Information versus Sticky Prices: A Proposal to Replace the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
Gregory Mankiw,
Ricardo Reis
Quarterly Journal of Economics,
vol. 117, 2002, p. 1295-1328.