Innovation and mergers in generalized asymmetric oligopolies
Tomás Portela Neves de Almeida,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Managerial and Decision Economics,
vol. 45, 2024, p. 758-769.
Quality-Price Choices and Market Configurations When Location Matters
Cesaltina Pires,
Margarida Catalão Lopes,
Silvia Ferreira Jorge,
Pedro Garces
Economic Modelling,
vol. 135, 2024, p. .
The Complementary Effects of Environmental Policy and Oil Prices on Innovation: Evidence from OECD Countries
Inês Carrilho Nunes,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Economics of Innovation and New Technology,
vol. 33, 2024, p. 185-205.
Cournot-Bertrand Endogenous Behavior in a Differentiated Oligopoly with Entry Deterrence
Duarte Brito,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Theory and Decision,
vol. 95, 2023, p. 55-78.
Survival Analysis of Cancer Patients in Portugal following the Reference Centre Model Implementation
Manuel Melo Mateus,
Margarida Catalão Lopes,
Rui Portugal
European Journal Of Health Economics,
vol. , 2022, p. .
The complementary effects of environmental policy and oil prices on innovation: evidence from OECD countries
Inês Carrilho Nunes,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Economics of Innovation and New Technology,
vol. , 2022, p. .
The Effects of Environmental Policy and Technology Transfer on GHG Emissions: The Case of Portugal
Inês Carrilho Nunes,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Structural Change And Economic Dynamics,
vol. 61, 2022, p. 255-264.
Post-merger Internal Organization in Multitier Decentralized Supply Chains
Margarida Catalão Lopes,
Duarte Brito
Journal Of Economics (Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie),
vol. 132, 2021, p. 251-289.
Does asymmetric information always help entry deterrence? Can it increase welfare?
Cesaltina Pires,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,
vol. , 2020, p. .
Are Larger Merger Synergies Bad News for Consumers? Endogenous Post-merger Internal Organization
Duarte Brito,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Scandinavian Journal Of Economics,
vol. 121, 2019, p. 1728-1756.
Can Switching from Gasoline to Aromatics Mitigate the Price Risk of Refineries?
Antonio Quintino,
Margarida Catalão Lopes,
Joao Carlos Lourenco
Energy Policy,
vol. 134, 2019, p. .
Portuguese Stock Market Returns and Oil Price Variations
Sebastião Messias Marques,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Applied Economics Letters,
vol. 22, 2015, p. 515-520.
Signaling Advertising by Multiproduct Firms
Cesaltina Pires,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
International Journal of Game Theory,
vol. 40, 2011, p. 403-425.
Fixed- and Variable-Rate Tenders in the Management of Liquidity by the Eurosystem: Implications of the Recent Credit Crisis
Margarida Catalão Lopes
International Journal Of Central Banking,
vol. 6, 2010, p. 199-230.
Mergers of Producers of Complements: How Autonomous Markets Change the Price Effects
Duarte Brito,
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Manchester School,
vol. 78, 2010, p. 60-75.
Market Power Measurement--An Application to the Portuguese Credit Market
Margarida Catalão Lopes
Investigaciones Economicas,
vol. 18, 1994, p. 0-0.