Immigrants and the Making of America
Sandra Sequeira,
Nathan Nunn ,
Nancy Qian
Review Of Economic Studies,
vol. 87, 2020, p. 382-419.
RCTs as an Opportunity to Promote Interdisciplinary, Inclusive, and Diverse Quantitative Development Research
Joana Naritomi,
Sandra Sequeira,
Jonathan Weigel,
Diana Weinhold
World Development,
vol. 127, 2020, p. .
Corruption, Trade Costs, and Gains from Tariff Liberalization: Evidence from Southern Africa
Sandra Sequeira
American Economic Review,
vol. 106, 2016, p. 3029-3063.
Rewarding Schooling Success and Perceived Returns to Education: Evidence from India
Sandra Sequeira,
Johannes Spinnewijn ,
Guo Xu
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
vol. 131, 2016, p. 373-392.
Consumer Demand for Fair Trade: Evidence from a Multistore Field Experiment
Jens Hainmueller,
Michael J. Hiscox,
Sandra Sequeira
Review of Economics and Statistics,
vol. 97, 2015, p. 242-256.
Corruption and Firm Behavior: Evidence from African Ports
Sandra Sequeira,
Simeon Djankov
Journal of International Economics,
vol. 94, 2014, p. 277-294.