
Ricardo Gonçalves
Doutoramento: U York, Economics, 2001
Mestrado: U York, Economics, 1997
Licenciatura: UTL, Economics, 1996
Centro FCT:
Centro de Estudos de Gestão e Economia (2015)
Instituição REBIDES:
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Faculdade de Economia e Gestão (2015)
Researcher id:
Artigos 13:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012).

How Do Antitrust Regimes Impact on Cartel Formation and Managers' Labor Market? An Experiment 9.4
Miguel Fonseca, Ricardo Gonçalves, Joana Pinho, Giovanni A. Tabacco
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 204, 2022, p. 643-662.

Market-Wide Impact of Renewables on Electricity Prices in Australia 12.95
Ricardo Gonçalves, Flavio Menezes
Economic Record, vol. 98, 2022, p. 1-21.

The Price Impacts of the Exit of the Hazelwood Coal Power Plant 16.12
Ricardo Gonçalves, Flavio Menezes
Energy Economics, vol. 116, 2022, p. .

Reference Pricing with Elastic Demand for Pharmaceuticals 17.8
Ricardo Gonçalves, Vasco Rodrigues
Scandinavian Journal Of Economics, vol. 120, 2018, p. 159-182.

A Note on the Wallet Game with Discrete Bid Levels 16.4
Ricardo Gonçalves, Indrajit Ray
Economics Letters, vol. 159, 2017, p. 177-179.

Learning through Simultaneous Play: Evidence from Penny Auctions 21.28
Ricardo Gonçalves, Miguel Fonseca
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 25, 2016, p. 1040-1059.

Economies of Scale and Scope in the Provision of Diagnostic Techniques and Therapeutic Services in Portuguese Hospitals 12.96
Ricardo Gonçalves, Pedro Pita Barros
Applied Economics, vol. 45, 2013, p. 415-433.

Empirical Evidence on the Impact of Reserve Prices in English Auctions 41.45
Ricardo Gonçalves
Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 61, 2013, p. 202-242.

Maintenance Incentives in Highway Concession Contracts 14.61
Ricardo Gonçalves, António Ferreira Gomes
Journal Of Transport Economics And Policy, vol. 46, 2012, p. 99-122.

Experimental Evidence on English Auctions: Oral Outcry versus Clock 9.6
Ricardo Gonçalves, John Hey
Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 63, 2011, p. 313-352.

The Momentum for Network Separation: A Guide for Regulators 10.23
Ricardo Gonçalves, Álvaro Nascimento
Telecommunications Policy, vol. 34, 2010, p. 355-365.

Irrationality in English Auctions 37.59
Ricardo Gonçalves
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 67, 2008, p. 180-192.

Cost Orientation and DSL Services: Retail-Minus vs. LRAIC 20.45
Ricardo Gonçalves
Telecommunications Policy, vol. 31, 2007, p. 524-529.
