Regulation of Bank Proprietary Trading Post 2007-09 Crisis: An Examination of the Basel Framework and Volcker Rule
Gordon Alexander,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Shu Yan
Journal of International Money and Finance,
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Portfolio Selection with Mental Accounts and Estimation Risk
Gordon Alexander,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Shu Yan
Journal Of Empirical Finance,
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On Regulatory Responses to the Recent Crisis: An Assessment of the Basel Market Risk Framework and the Volcker Rule
Gordon Alexander,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Shu Yan
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Bank Regulation and International Financial Stability: A Case against the 2006 Basel Framework for Controlling Tail Risk in Trading Books
Gordon Alexander,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Shu Yan
Journal of International Money and Finance,
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A Comparison of the Original and Revised Basel Market Risk Frameworks for Regulating Bank Capital
Shu Yan,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Gordon Alexander
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When More Is Less: Using Multiple Constraints to Reduce Tail Risk
Gordon Alexander,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Shu Yan
Journal of Banking and Finance,
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Crashes, Volatility, and the Equity Premium: Lessons from S&P 500 Options
Pedro Santa Clara,
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Reducing Estimation Risk in Optimal Portfolio Selection When Short Sales Are Allowed
Gordon Alexander,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Shu Yan
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Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with ´At-Risk` Constraints and Discrete Distributions
Gordon Alexander,
Alexandre M. Baptista,
Shu Yan
Journal of Banking and Finance,
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