University Choice: The Role of Expected Earnings, Nonpecuniary Outcomes, and Financial Constraints
Adeline Delavande,
Basit Zafar
Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 127, 2019, p. 2343-2393.
Eliciting Survival Expectations of the Elderly in Low-Income Countries: Evidence from India
Adeline Delavande,
Jinkook Lee ,
Seetha Menon
vol. 54, 2017, p. 673-699.
Stereotypes and Madrassas: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan
Adeline Delavande,
Basit Zafar
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
vol. 118, 2015, p. 247-267.
Differential Survival in Europe and the United States: Estimates Based on Subjective Probabilities of Survival
Adeline Delavande,
Susann Rohwedder
vol. 48, 2011, p. 1377-1400.
Eliciting Probabilistic Expectations with Visual Aids in Developing Countries: How Sensitive Are Answers to Variations in Elicitation Design?
Adeline Delavande,
Xavier Gine,
David McKenzie
Journal of Applied Econometrics,
vol. 26, 2011, p. 479-497.
Individuals Uncertainty about Future Social Security Benefits and Portfolio Choice
Adeline Delavande,
Susann Rohwedder
Journal of Applied Econometrics,
vol. 26, 2011, p. 498-519.
Measuring Subjective Expectations in Developing Countries: A Critical Review and New Evidence
Adeline Delavande,
Xavier Gine,
David McKenzie
Journal of Development Economics,
vol. 94, 2011, p. 151-163.
Criminal Prosecution and Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Related Risky Behavior
Adeline Delavande,
Dana Goldman,
Neeraj Sood
Journal of Law and Economics,
vol. 53, 2010, p. 741-782.
Measuring Revisions to Subjective Expectations
Adeline Delavande
Journal Of Risk And Uncertainty,
vol. 36, 2008, p. 43-82.
Pill, Patch, or Shot? Subjective Expectations and Birth Control Choice
Adeline Delavande
International Economic Review,
vol. 49, 2008, p. 999-1042.