
Journal Of Applied Statistics web
Pontos Posição
CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012) 19.56 239/501
ABS (2010) 50.0 184/288
Australian RC (2010) 50.0 310/479
CNRS (2008) 40.0 281/336
Combes and Linnemer (2003) 17.0 219/253
Ideas discounted recursive impact factor (2012) 0.2 343/396
Lubrano et al (2003) 20.0 192/211
Schneider and Ursprung (2008) 20.0 212/278
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) (2011) 4.92 391/476
Article Influence Score (2019) 0.4 309/428
Impact Factor (2019) 1.03 310/440
Impact Factor (5 year) (2019) 1.01 339/428
SJR - Scimago (2021) 0.51 361/558
SJR - Scimago (2019) 0.53 335/549
Count (2021) 1.0 37/662
Artigos 30:

Investigating Impacts of Complex Sampling on Latent Growth Curve Modelling
Marcel de Toledo Vieira, Maria de Fátima Salgueiro, Peter W. F. Smith
vol. 43, 2016, p. 1310-1321.

Model Selection for Stock Prices Data
Pedro Palhinhas Mota, Manuel L. Esquível
vol. 43, 2016, p. 2977-2987.

Estimating Utility Functions Using Generalized Maximum Entropy
Cesaltina Pires, Andreia Dionísio, Luís Alberto Godinho Coelho
vol. 40, 2013, p. 221-234.

Estimation of Cost Allocation Coefficients at the Farm Level Using an Entropy Approach
Rui Fragoso, Maria Leonor Silva Carvalho
vol. 40, 2013, p. 1893-1906.

Financial Data Modeling by Poisson Mixture Regression
Susana Faria, Fátima Gonçalves
vol. 40, 2013, p. 2150-2162.

Stochastic Volatility Models for Exchange Rates and Their Estimation Using Quasi-maximum-Likelihood Methods: An Application to the South African Rand
M. V. Kulikova, David R. Taylor
vol. 40, 2013, p. 495-507.

An Empirical Comparison of Canonical Correspondence Analysis and STATICO in the Identification of Spatio-temporal Ecological Relationships
Susana Mendes, Maria José Fernández-Gómez, Mário Jorge Pereira, Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro, Maria Purificación Galindo-Villardon
vol. 39, 2012, p. 979-994.

Concordance Coefficients to Measure the Agreement among Several Sets of Ranks
Júlia Teles
vol. 39, 2012, p. 1749-1764.

Estimating Infant Mortality in Colombia: Some Overdispersion Modelling Approaches
Adrián Quintero-Sarmiento, Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo, Vicente Nunez-Anton
vol. 39, 2012, p. 1011-1036.

F-Tests with a Rare Pathology
Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira, Sandra S. Ferreira, João Mexia
vol. 39, 2012, p. 551-561.

Modelling Interval Data with Normal and Skew-Normal Distributions
Paula Brito, António Pedro Duarte Silva
vol. 39, 2012, p. 3-20.

Sample Size for Estimating a Binomial Proportion: Comparison of Different Methods
Luzia Gonçalves, M. Rosário de Oliveira, Cláudia Pascoal, Ana Pires
vol. 39, 2012, p. 2453-2473.

The Negative Binomial-Beta Weibull Regression Model to Predict the Cure of Prostate Cancer
Edwin M. M. Ortega, Gauss M. Cordeiro, Michael W. Kattan
vol. 39, 2012, p. 1191-1210.

[alpha]-Stable Laws for Noncoding Regions in DNA Sequences
Nuno Crato, R. R. Linhares, S.R.C. Lopes
vol. 38, 2011, p. 261-271.

Comparing Diagnostic Tests with Missing Data
Frederico Z. Poleto, Julio M. Singer, Carlos Daniel Paulino
vol. 38, 2011, p. 1207-1222.

Extreme Value and Cluster Analysis of European Daily Temperature Series
Susana M. Barbosa, Manuel Scotto, Andrés M. Alonso
vol. 38, 2011, p. 2793-2804.

Modeling Wind Energy Flux by a Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution with an Unknown Shift Parameter
Cecília Azevedo, Víctor Leiva, Emilia Athayde, Carolina Marchant
vol. 38, 2011, p. 2819-2838.

The Corrected VIF (CVIF)
José Dias Curto, José Castro Pinto
vol. 38, 2011, p. 1499-1507.

Small Area Estimation of Mean Price of Habitation Transaction Using Time-Series and Cross-Sectional Area-Level Models
Luis Nobre Pereira, Pedro Simões Coelho
vol. 37, 2010, p. 651-666.

The Eigenstructure of Block-Structured Correlation Matrices and Its Implications for Principal Component Analysis
Jorge Cadima, Francisco Lage Calheiros, Isabel P. Preto
vol. 37, 2010, p. 577-589.

Departure from Independence and Stationarity in a Handball Match
Montezuma Dumangane, Nicoletta Rosati, Anna Volossovitch
vol. 36, 2009, p. 723-741.

Deprivation Analysis Based on Bayesian Latent Class Models
Carla Machado, Carlos Daniel Paulino, Francisco Nunes
vol. 36, 2009, p. 871-891.

The Coefficient of Variation Asymptotic Distribution in the Case of Non-iid Random Variables
José Dias Curto, José Castro Pinto
vol. 36, 2009, p. 21-32.

Unit Root Tests and Dramatic Shifts with Infinite Variance Processes
Luis Martins
vol. 36, 2009, p. 547-571.

Two-Way Analysis of Variance for Data from a Concentrated Bipolar Watson Distribution
Adelaide Figueiredo
vol. 33, 2006, p. 575-581.

A Sequential Approach to Testing Seasonal Unit Roots in High Frequency Data
Paulo M. M. Rodrigues, Philip Hans Franses
vol. 32, 2005, p. 555-569.

Threshold Cointegration and the PPP Hypothesis
Pedro Gouveia, Paulo M. M. Rodrigues
vol. 31, 2004, p. 115-127.

Testing for Heteroscedasticity in Regression Models
Maria Carapeto, William Holt
vol. 30, 2003, p. 13-20.

Performance of Seasonal Unit Root Tests for Monthly Data
Paulo M. M. Rodrigues, Denise Osborne
vol. 26, 1999, p. 985-1004.

Underreporting of Purchases of Port Wine
Francisco Ramos
vol. 26, 1999, p. 485-494.
