State Aid for Broadband Network Deployment: National and Subnational Governance Mechanisms, 2003-2023
Luís Manica,
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The Politicization of Immigration in Portugal between 1995 and 2014: A European Exception?
João Carvalho,
Mariana Carmo Duarte
Journal of Common Market Studies,
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The Politicization of Immigration in Portugal between 1995 and 2014: A European Exception?
João Carvalho,
Mariana Carmo Duarte
Journal of Common Market Studies,
vol. 58, 2020, p. 1469-1487.
School Architecture: An Analysis of the Role of the State in the (Re)Configuration of the Profession.
Luísa Veloso,
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The Confident Forecaster: Lessons from the Upscaling of the Electricity Industry in England and Wales
Nuno Luis Madureira
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Wine-washing: Colonization, Normalization, and the Geopolitics of Terroir in the West Bank's Settlements
Ariel Handel ,
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Egalitarian Property for Power Indices
Josep Freixas,
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Rethinking Cities in Contentious Times: The Mobilisation of Urban Dissent in the ´Arab Spring`
Marco Allegra
Urban Studies,
vol. 50, 2013, p. 1675-1688.