
U Strasbourg
Artigos 16:

On the Time-Varying Impact of China's Bilateral Political Relations on Its Trading Partners: 'Doux Commerce' or 'Trade Follows the Flag'?
António Afonso, Valerie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui
China Economic Review, vol. 85, 2024, p. .

The Net Product in the Formule Du Tableau Economique: Lessons from a Formalism
Rodolphe Santos Ferreira, Ragip Ege
Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 21, 2022, p. 383-399.

The Net Product in the Formule Du Tableau Economique: Lessons from a Formalism
Rodolphe Santos Ferreira, Ragip Ege
Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 21, 2022, p. 383-399.

Competition and the risk of bank failure: Breaking with the representative borrower assumption
Rodolphe Santos Ferreira, Leonor Modesto
Journal Of Public Economic Theory, vol. 23, 2021, p. 622-638.

The Merit-Order Effect on the Swedish Bidding Zone with the Highest Electricity Flow in the Elspot Market
Daniela Pereira Macedo, Antonio C. Marques, Olivier Damette
Energy Economics, vol. 102, 2021, p. .

The Merit-Order Effect on the Swedish Bidding Zone with the Highest Electricity Flow in the Elspot Market
Daniela Pereira Macedo, Antonio C. Marques, Olivier Damette
Energy Economics, vol. 102, 2021, p. .

The Merit-Order Effect on the Swedish Bidding Zone with the Highest Electricity Flow in the Elspot Market
Daniela Pereira Macedo, Antonio C. Marques, Olivier Damette
Energy Economics, vol. 102, 2021, p. .

Cooperation in a Differentiated Duopoly When Information Is Dispersed: A Beauty Contest Game with Endogenous Concern for Coordination
Camille Cornand, Rodolphe Santos Ferreira
Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 106, 2020, p. 101-111.

Exploiting Separability in a Multisectoral Model of Oligopolistic Competition
Claude d' Aspremont, Rodolphe Santos Ferreira
Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 106, 2020, p. 51-59.

The social value of information and the competition motive: price versus quantity games.
Camille Cornand, Rodolphe Santos Ferreira
Economic Theory, vol. 70, 2020, p. 1101-1137.

The Dixit-Stiglitz Economy with a 'Small Group' of Firms: A Simple and Robust Equilibrium Markup Formula
Claude d' Aspremont, Rodolphe Santos Ferreira
Research In Economics, vol. 71, 2017, p. 729-739.

Investissement strategique et fluctuations endogenes. (Strategic Investment and Endogenous Fluctuations. With English summary.)
Claude d' Aspremont, Rodolphe Santos Ferreira, Louis Andre Gerard Varet
Revue Economique, vol. 66, 2015, p. 351-368.

The Destabilizing Effects of the Social Norm to Work under a Social Security System
Rodolphe Santos Ferreira, Teresa Lloyd-Braga, Leonor Modesto
Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 76, 2015, p. 64-72.

The European University Landscape: A Micro Characterization Based on Evidence from the Aquameth Project
Cinzia Darai, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Aldo Geuna, Benedetto Lepori, Laurent Bach, Peter Bogetoft, Margarida F. Cardoso, Elena Castro-Martinez, Gustavo Crespi, Ignacio Fernandez de Lucio, Harold Fried, Adela Garcia-Aracil, Annamaria Inzelti, Ben Jongbloed, Gerhard Kempkes, Patrick Llerenad, Mireille Matt, Maria Olivares, Carsten Pohl, Tarmo Ratyl, Maria J. Rosas, Cláudia S. Sarrico, Léopold Simar, Pedro Nuno Teixeira, Stig Slipersaeter, Philippe Vanden Eeckaut
Research Policy, vol. 40, 2011, p. 148-164.

The European University Landscape: A Micro Characterization Based on Evidence from the Aquameth Project
Cinzia Darai, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Aldo Geuna, Benedetto Lepori, Laurent Bach, Peter Bogetoft, Margarida F. Cardoso, Elena Castro-Martinez, Gustavo Crespi, Ignacio Fernandez de Lucio, Harold Fried, Adela Garcia-Aracil, Annamaria Inzelti, Ben Jongbloed, Gerhard Kempkes, Patrick Llerenad, Mireille Matt, Maria Olivares, Carsten Pohl, Tarmo Ratyl, Maria J. Rosas, Cláudia S. Sarrico, Léopold Simar, Pedro Nuno Teixeira, Stig Slipersaeter, Philippe Vanden Eeckaut
Research Policy, vol. 40, 2011, p. 148-164.

The European University Landscape: A Micro Characterization Based on Evidence from the Aquameth Project
Cinzia Darai, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Aldo Geuna, Benedetto Lepori, Laurent Bach, Peter Bogetoft, Margarida F. Cardoso, Elena Castro-Martinez, Gustavo Crespi, Ignacio Fernandez de Lucio, Harold Fried, Adela Garcia-Aracil, Annamaria Inzelti, Ben Jongbloed, Gerhard Kempkes, Patrick Llerenad, Mireille Matt, Maria Olivares, Carsten Pohl, Tarmo Ratyl, Maria J. Rosas, Cláudia S. Sarrico, Léopold Simar, Pedro Nuno Teixeira, Stig Slipersaeter, Philippe Vanden Eeckaut
Research Policy, vol. 40, 2011, p. 148-164.
