All publications by authors in the institution.

Author Points Share
1 Luis Martins 20 266.3 8.2
2 João Pedro Vidal Nunes 19 232.2 7.1
3 Sandro Mendonca 14 231.9 7.1
4 Alexandra Ferreira Lopes 24 186.4 5.7
5 Catarina Roseta Palma 13 177.7 5.5
6 Helena Lopes 12 155.9 4.8
7 Nuno Crespo 16 144.5 4.4
8 Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen 16 133.1 4.1
9 José Carlos Dias 16 128.7 3.9
10 Nuno Luis Madureira 5 118.5 3.6
11 José Gonçalves Dias 12 114.8 3.5
12 Felipa de Mello Sampayo 10 109.9 3.4
13 José Dias Curto 15 95.9 2.9
14 Nádia Simões 11 89.6 2.8
15 Fátima Suleman 6 88.0 2.7
16 Sofia Vale 8 87.8 2.7
17 Sérgio Lagoa 11 75.6 2.3
18 Helena Isidro 7 72.5 2.2
19 António F. Miguel 8 65.4 2.0
20 Ricardo Mamede 4 57.2 1.8
21 Emanuel Leão 9 56.0 1.7
22 João Pedro Ruas 4 36.4 1.1
23 Francisco Camões 5 32.7 1.0
24 Ana Narciso Costa 3 32.1 1.0
25 Teresa Calapez 4 32.0 1.0
26 Luís Laureano 3 31.7 1.0
27 António Caetano 6 30.8 0.9
28 José Castro Pinto 6 28.9 0.9
29 José Paulo Esperança 4 25.4 0.8
30 Alan Stoleroff 1 24.8 0.8
31 Luís Alberto Ferreira de Oliveira 4 24.1 0.7
32 Szabolcs Sebestyen 2 24.0 0.7
33 Rui Alpalhão 2 22.1 0.7
34 João Libório 1 17.9 0.5
35 Pedro Miguel Silva Prazeres 1 16.9 0.5
36 Rui Menezes 2 13.6 0.4
37 Tânia Pereira Ramos 2 13.4 0.4
38 Paulo Marques Alves 2 13.2 0.4
39 Nuno Barbosa Ferreira 1 13.0 0.4
40 Maria de Fátima Ferreiro 1 11.5 0.4
40 Maria Eduarda Gonçalves 1 11.5 0.4
42 Luís Francisco Carvalho 1 11.2 0.3
43 António Vilela 1 11.0 0.3
44 Nelson Ramalho 2 10.6 0.3
45 Henrique Duarte 1 8.0 0.2
45 Diniz Lopes 1 8.0 0.2
47 Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro 3 7.5 0.2
48 Isabel Falcão Correia 1 6.9 0.2
49 Maria de Fátima Salgueiro 1 6.5 0.2
50 Ralitza Nikolaeva 1 6.3 0.2
51 Ana Isabel Lopes 1 6.0 0.2
52 Graça Trindade 1 5.5 0.2
53 Isabel Maria Lourenço 1 4.7 0.1
54 Francisco Esteves 2 4.1 0.1
55 Mónica Meireles 1 4.0 0.1
56 Fernando A. F. Ferreira 2 4.0 0.1
57 Ana Margarida Passos 1 3.7 0.1
58 Henrique Monteiro 1 3.4 0.1
59 Jorge Bertinetti Lengler 1 3.3 0.1

Comments, discussions and replies are not considered for rankings.

Each co-author is allocated the points of the article divided by the selected denominator.

Affiliation reported is the official affiliation to institutions of higher education in Portugal as of 2015 (Source: Rebides, Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science)