
Emanuel Leão
Doutoramento: U York, Economics, 2000
Mestrado: UNL, Economics, 1994
Licenciatura: UNL, Economics, 1990
Instituição REBIDES:
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (2015)
Artigos 9:

The Paradox of Investment: A Contribution to the Theory of Demand-Led Economic Growth
Emanuel Leão, Pedro Leão
Review of Political Economy, vol. 36, 2024, p. 761-775.

Dynamics of the Public-Debt-to-GDP Ratio: Can It Explain the Risk Premium of Treasury Bonds?
Sérgio Lagoa, Emanuel Leão, Diptes C. Bhimjee
Empirica, vol. 49, 2022, p. 1089-1122.

Financialization in the European Periphery and the Sovereign Debt Crisis: The Portuguese Case
Ricardo Barradas, Sérgio Lagoa, Emanuel Leão, Ricardo Mamede
Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 52, 2018, p. 1056-1083.

The 2007-2009 Subprime Crisis and the Global Public Policy Response
Pedro Leão, Emanuel Leão, Diptes C. Bhimjee
Journal of European Economic History, vol. 46, 2017, p. 51-73.

A Bayesian Efficiency Analysis of Angolan Banks
Carlos Pestana Barros, Emanuel Leão, Nkanga Pedro Joao Macanda, Zorro Mendes
South African Journal of Economics, vol. 84, 2016, p. 484-498.

Microcredit Supply and Credit Rationing in a Developed Country: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence
Carlos Pestana Barros, Sérgio Lagoa, Emanuel Leão
Transformations In Business And Economics, vol. 13, 2014, p. 177-196.

Modelling the Central Bank Repo Rate in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Framework
Emanuel Leão, Pedro Leão
Economic Modelling, vol. 24, 2007, p. 571-610.

Technological Innovations and the Interest Rate
Emanuel Leão, Pedro Leão
Journal Of Economics (Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie), vol. 89, 2006, p. 129-163.

A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model with Technological Innovations in the Banking Sector
Emanuel Leão
Journal Of Economics (Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie), vol. 79, 2003, p. 145-185.
