Is Environmental Regulation Keeping E-waste under Control? Evidence from E-waste Exports in the European Union
Sónia Almeida Neves,
Antonio Cardoso Marques,
Leonardo Batista de Sa Lopes
Ecological Economics,
vol. 216, 2024, p. 1-8.
Promoting the Circular Economy in the EU: How Can the Recycling of E-waste Be Increased?
Sónia Almeida Neves,
Antonio Cardoso Marques,
Inês Patrício Silva
Structural Change And Economic Dynamics,
vol. 70, 2024, p. 192-201.
Adoption of Energy Efficiency Measures in the Buildings of Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Portuguese Enterprises
Paulo Cunha,
Sónia Almeida Neves,
Antonio C. Marques,
Zélia Serrasqueiro
Energy Policy,
vol. 146, 2020, p. .
Two-Stage DEA Model to Evaluate Technical Efficiency on Deployment of Battery Electric Vehicles in the EU Countries
Sónia Almeida Neves,
Antonio Cardoso Marques,
Vítor Moutinho
Transportation Research: Part D: Transport And Environmen,
vol. 86, 2020, p. .