
Isabel Proença
Doutoramento: Catholic U Louvain, Economics, 1995
Mestrado: ISEG, Mathematical Methods for Economics and Management, 1990
Licenciatura: UTL, Economics, 1985
Centro FCT:
Centro de Matemática Aplicada à Previsão e Decisão Económica - CEMAPRE (2015)
Instituição REBIDES:
Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (2015)
Artigos 6:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012).

Measuring the Gender Disparities in Unemployment Dynamics during the Recession: Evidence from Portugal 12.96
Joana Passinhas, Isabel Proença
Applied Economics, vol. 52, 2020, p. 623-636.

The Inversion of the Spatial Lag Operator in Binary Choice Models: Fast Computation and a Closed Formula Approximation 17.79
Luis Silveira Santos, Isabel Proença
Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 76, 2019, p. 74-102.

Semi-mixed Effects Gravity Models for Bilateral Trade 6.39
Isabel Proença, Stefan Sperlich, Meryem Duygun
Empirical Economics, vol. 48, 2015, p. 361-387.

FDI Spillovers at Regional Level: Evidence from Portugal 7.04
Nuno Crespo, Maria Paula Fontoura, Isabel Proença
Papers In Regional Science, vol. 88, 2009, p. 591-607.

Trade in the enlarged European Union: a new approach on trade potential 1.28
Isabel Proença, Maria Paula Fontoura, Enrique Martinez-Galan
Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 7, 2008, p. 205-224.

Mixed Logit Estimation of Radical Islamic Terrorism in Europe and North America 12.18
Carlos Pestana Barros, Isabel Proença
Journal Of Conflict Resolution, vol. 49, 2005, p. 298-314.
