
Maria Cunha e Sa
Ph D: U Illinois, Economics, 1994
Bachelor: ISCTE, Economics,
FCT research center:
Nova School of Business and Economics (2015)
REBIDES institution:
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Economia (2015)
Articles 15:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012).

The Role of Technological Progress in Testing Adjusted Net Savings: Evidence from OECD Countries 17.29
Rui Pedro Mota, Maria Cunha e Sa
Ecological Economics, vol. 164, 2019, p. .

The Effects of Development Constraints on Forest Management at the Urban-Forest Interface 19.52
Maria Cunha e Sa, Sofia Franco
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 99, 2017, p. 614-636.

Accounting for Response Biases in Latent-Class Models for Choices and Attitudes 10.97
Maria Cunha e Sa, Luis Catela Nunes, Vladimir Otrachshenko
Land Economics, vol. 91, 2015, p. 586-603.

Natural Carbon Capture and Storage (NCCS): Forests, Land Use and Carbon Accounting 10.02
Maria Cunha e Sa, Renato Rosa, Clara Costa Duarte
Resource And Energy Economics, vol. 35, 2013, p. 148-170.

Protesting and Justifying: A Latent Class Model for Contingent Valuation with Attitudinal Data 6.08
Maria Cunha e Sa, Luis Catela Nunes, Lívia Madureira, Vladimir Otrachshenko
Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 52, 2012, p. 531-548.

Technology Adoption in Nonrenewable Resource Management 10.75
Maria Cunha e Sa, Ana Balcão Reis, Catarina Roseta Palma
Energy Economics, vol. 31, 2009, p. 235-239.

Experimentation with Accumulation 19.62
Maria Cunha e Sa, Vasco Santos
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 32, 2008, p. 470-496.

The Optimal Timing of Adoption of a Green Technology 12.17
Maria Cunha e Sa, Ana Balcão Reis
Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 36, 2007, p. 35-55.

Combining averting behavior and contingent valuation data: an application to drinking water treatment in Brazil 5.83
Márcia Rosado, Maria Cunha e Sa, Maria Ducla Soares, Luis Catela Nunes
Environment and Development Economics, vol. 11, 2006, p. 729-746.

Consistency in Mixed Demand Systems: Contingent Valuation and Travel Cost Data 9.76
Maria Cunha e Sa, Maria Ducla Soares, Luis Catela Nunes, Philippe Polome
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 86, 2004, p. 444-454.

Identifying Non-consistent Choice Behavior in Recreation Demand Models 6.56
Luis Catela Nunes, Maria Cunha e Sa, Maria Ducla Soares, Márcia Rosado, Brett Day
Economics Letters, vol. 72, 2001, p. 403-410.

Endogenous Future Preferences and Conservation 12.17
Maria Cunha e Sa, Clara Costa Duarte
Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 16, 2000, p. 253-262.

Managing the Northern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries: The Stability of the UN Fish Stock Agreement Solution 2.92
Ana Brasão, Clara Costa Duarte, Maria Cunha e Sa
Marine Resource Economics, vol. 15, 2000, p. 341-360.

Specification Tests for Mixed Demand Systems with an Emphasis on Combining Contingent Valuation and Revealed Data 20.16
Maria Cunha e Sa, Maria Ducla Soares
Journal Of Environmental Economics And Management, vol. 38, 1999, p. 215-233.

Testing for Rationality: The Case of Discrete Choice Data 10.94
Luis Catela Nunes, Maria Cunha e Sa, Maria Ducla Soares
Economics Letters, vol. 60, 1998, p. 255-261.
