Works council ‘disaffection’ and establishment survivability.
John T. Addison,
Paulino Teixeira,
Philipp Grunau,
Lutz Bellmann
Scottish Journal Of Political Economy,
vol. 70, 2023, p. 38-67.
Do Students Behave Like Real Taxpayers in the Lab? Evidence from a Real Effort Tax Compliance Experiment
C. Y. Lawrence Choo ,
Miguel Fonseca,
Gareth D. Myles
Journal Of Economic Behavior And Organization,
vol. 124, 2016, p. 102-114.
Is the Erosion Thesis Overblown? Alignment from Without in Germany
John Addison,
Paulino Teixeira,
Katalin Evers,
Lutz Bellmann
Industrial Relations,
vol. 55, 2016, p. 415-443.