
Miguel Gouveia
Ph D: U Rochester, Economics, 1991
Bachelor: UCP, Economics,
FCT research center:
Católica Lisbon Unidade de Investigação em Gestão e Economia (2015)
REBIDES institution:
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais (2015)
Articles 9:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012).

Aging and the Compression of Disability in Portugal. 12.85
Miguel Gouveia, Pedro Raposo
Population And Development Review, vol. 45, 2019, p. 401-418.

Does the Median Voter Model Explain the Size of Government? Evidence from the States 17.07
Miguel Gouveia, Neal Masia
Public Choice, vol. 97, 1998, p. 159-177.

Majority Rule and the Public Provision of a Private Good 34.14
Miguel Gouveia
Public Choice, vol. 93, 1997, p. 221-244.

The Public Sector and Health Care 21.29
Miguel Gouveia
International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 3, 1996, p. 329-349.

Voting over Flat Taxes in an Endowment Economy 16.4
Miguel Gouveia, David Oliver
Economics Letters, vol. 50, 1996, p. 251-258.

The Distribution of Household Income and Expenditure in Portugal: 1980 and 1990 15.49
Miguel Gouveia, José Tavares
Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 41, 1995, p. 1-17.

Alternative Systems of Health Care Provision 17.09
Timothy Beasley, Miguel Gouveia
Economic Policy, vol. 9, 1994, p. 199-249.

Effective Federal Individual Tax Functions: An Exploratory Empirical Analysis 16.8
Miguel Gouveia, Robert Strauss
National Tax Journal, vol. 47, 1994, p. 317-339.

Equal Sacrifice and Incentive Compatible Income Taxation 26.3
Marcus Berliant, Miguel Gouveia
Journal of Public Economics, vol. 51, 1993, p. 219-240.
