Economic Analysis of Portuguese Public Hospitals through the Construction of Quality, Efficiency, Access, and Financial Related Composite Indicators
Rita Matos,
Diogo Ferreira,
Maria Isabel Pedro
Social Indicators Research,
vol. 157, 2021, p. 361-392.
Operational Efficiency vs Clinical Safety, Care Appropriateness, Timeliness, and Access to Health Care
Diogo Ferreira,
Alexandre Morais Nunes,
Rui Cunha Marques
Journal Of Productivity Analysis,
vol. 53, 2020, p. 355-375.
Economies of Scope in Portuguese Local Government Using an Augmented Hicks-Moorsteen Approach
Paulo Caldas,
Diogo Ferreira,
Brian Dollery,
Rui Cunha Marques
Regional Studies,
vol. 53, 2019, p. 963-976.
Explanatory Variables Driving the Technical Efficiency of European Seaports: An Order-Alpha Approach Dealing with Imperfect Knowledge
Diogo Ferreira,
Rui Cunha Marques,
Maria Isabel Pedro
Transportation Research: Part E: Logistics And Transportation Review,
vol. 119, 2018, p. 41-62.
Identifying Congestion Levels, Sources and Determinants on Intensive Care Units: The Portuguese Case
Diogo Ferreira,
Rui Cunha Marques
Health Care Management Science,
vol. 21, 2018, p. 348-375.
Should Inpatients Be Adjusted by Their Complexity and Severity for Efficiency Assessment? Evidence from Portugal
Diogo Ferreira,
Rui Cunha Marques
Health Care Management Science,
vol. 19, 2016, p. 43-57.
Did the Corporatization of Portuguese Hospitals Significantly Change Their Productivity?
Diogo Ferreira,
Rui Cunha Marques
European Journal Of Health Economics,
vol. 16, 2015, p. 289-303.