A Geographical Theory of (De)industrialization
José Pedro Pontes,
Armando Garcia Pires
Structural Change And Economic Dynamics,
vol. 59, 2021, p. 567-574.
(De)industrialization, Technology and Transportation
Armando Garcia Pires,
José Pedro Pontes
Open Economies Review,
vol. 32, 2021, p. 527-538.
Spatial Scope of a Modern Transport Technology
Armando Garcia Pires,
José Pedro Pontes
Journal of Regional Science,
vol. 53, 2013, p. 712-723.
Fragmentation and Clustering in Vertically Linked Industries
Joana Pais,
José Pedro Pontes
Journal of Regional Science,
vol. 48, 2008, p. 991-1006.
A Non-monotonic Relationship between FDI and Trade
José Pedro Pontes
Economics Letters,
vol. 95, 2007, p. 369-373.
Networks and Firm Location
José Pedro Pontes
Annals of Regional Science,
vol. 41, 2007, p. 897-909.
Agglomeration in a Vertically-Related Oligopoly
José Pedro Pontes
Portuguese Economic Journal,
vol. 4, 2005, p. 157-169.
A Note on Agglomeration and the Location of Multinational Firms
José Pedro Pontes,
John Parr
Papers In Regional Science,
vol. 84, 2005, p. 509-518.
Intermediate Goods and the Location of Productive Activity
José Pedro Pontes
Annals of Regional Science,
vol. 39, 2005, p. 11-24.
A Theory of the Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Trade
José Pedro Pontes
Economics Bulletin,
vol. 6, 2004, p. 1-8.
Industrial Clusters and Peripheral Areas
José Pedro Pontes
Environment and Planning A,
vol. 35, 2003, p. 2053-2068.
Exchange of Intermediate Goods and the Agglomeration of Firms
José Pedro Pontes
Economics Bulletin,
vol. 3, 2002, p. 1-7.
Location of Foreign Direct Investment in a Regional Integration Area
José Pedro Pontes
Economics Bulletin,
vol. 18, 2001, p. 1-9.
Spatial Competition under Uniform Delivered Pricing
José Pedro Pontes,
Andre de Palma,
Jacques Francois Thisse
Regional Science and Urban Economics,
vol. 17, 1987, p. 441-449.