
Peter Nijkamp
Articles 7:

Migration, Regional Growth and Convergence: A Spatial Econometric Study on Romania
Cristian Incaltarau, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Adelaide Duarte, Peter Nijkamp
Annals of Regional Science, vol. 66, 2021, p. 497-532.

Culture, Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation: A Structural Analysis of the Motivation and Satisfaction of Tourists in Amsterdam
João Romão, Bart Neuts, Peter Nijkamp, Eveline van Leeuwen
Tourism Economics, vol. 21, 2015, p. 455-474.

Determinants of Trip Choice, Satisfaction and Loyalty in an Eco-tourism Destination: A Modelling Study on the Shiretoko Peninsula, Japan
João Romão, Bart Neuts, Peter Nijkamp, Asami Shikida
Ecological Economics, vol. 107, 2014, p. 195-205.

Modelling Innovation Support Systems for Regional Development--Analysis of Cluster Structures in Innovation in Portugal
Eric Vaz, Teresa de Noronha Vaz, Maria Purificación Galindo-Villardon, Peter Nijkamp
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, vol. 26, 2014, p. 23-46.

Crossroads of Tourism: A Complex Spatial Systems Analysis of Tourism and Urban Sprawl in the Algarve
Peter Nijkamp, Eric De Noronha Vaz, Doan Nainggolan, Marco Painho
International Journal Of Sustainable Development, vol. 14, 2011, p. 225-241.

Knowledge and innovation: The strings between global and local dimensions of sustainable growth
Teresa de Noronha Vaz, Peter Nijkamp
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, vol. 21, 2009, p. 441-455.

Economic Valuation of Biodiversity: A Comparative Study
Peter Nijkamp, Gabriella Vindigni, Paulo A. L. D. Nunes
Ecological Economics, vol. 67, 2008, p. 217-231.
