Testing an Application of the Political Insurance Model: The Case of the Mexican State-Level Administrative Courts
Paola Bertoli,
Adriana G. Garcia ,
Nuno Garoupa
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
vol. 195, 2022, p. 272-287.
Wine Industry Perceptions and Reactions to the COVID-19 Crisis in the Old and New Worlds: Do Business Models Make a Difference?
Britta Niklas,
Jean-Marie Cardebat,
Robin M. Back,
Davide Gaeta,
Vicente Pinilla,
João Rebelo
vol. 38, 2022, p. 810-831.
Barten Group Equivalence Scales and Barten Group Indexes
Maria Luisa Ferreira,
Federico Perali
Economics Letters,
vol. 40, 1992, p. 13-18.