Optimization of the Location and Capacity of Shared Multimodal Mobility Hubs to Maximize Travel Utility in Urban Areas
Stavros Xanthopoulos,
Marieke van der Tuin,
Shadi Sharif Azadeh,
Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia,
Niels van Oort,
Maaike Snelder
Transportation Research Part A: Policy And Practice,
vol. 179, 2024, p. .
Preferences for First and Last Mile Shared Mobility between Stops and Activity Locations: A Case Study of Local Public Transport Users in Utrecht, the Netherlands
Roy J. van Kuijk,
Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia,
Niels van Oort,
Bart van Arem
Transportation Research Part A: Policy And Practice,
vol. 166, 2022, p. 285-306.