
Linda Veiga
Doutoramento: U South Carolina, Economics, 1999
Licenciatura: U Porto, Economics, 1993
Centro FCT:
Núcleo de Investigação em Políticas Económicas (2015)
Instituição REBIDES:
Universidade do Minho (2015)
Researcher id:
Artigos 19:

Are Electronic Government Innovations Helpful to Deter Corruption? Evidence from across the World
João Martins, Linda Veiga, Bruno Fernandes
Economics and Politics, vol. 35, 2023, p. 1177-1203.

Digital Government as a Business Facilitator
João Martins, Linda Veiga
Information Economics and Policy, vol. 60, 2022, p. .

Local Labor Impact of Wind Energy Investment: An Analysis of Portuguese Municipalities
Hélia Costa, Linda Veiga
Energy Economics, vol. 94, 2021, p. .

Undergraduate students’ economic literacy, knowledge of the country’s economic performance and opinions regarding appropriate economic policies
João Martins, Linda Veiga
International Journal of Education Economics and Development , vol. 11, 2020, p. 407-419.

The Effects of Electoral Incentives on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from a Legislative Change at the Local Government Level
Linda Veiga, Francisco Veiga
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, vol. 35, 2019, p. 394-421.

Interactions in Local Governments' Spending Decisions: Evidence from Portugal
Hélia Costa, Linda Veiga, Miguel Portela
Regional Studies, vol. 49, 2015, p. 1441-1456.

Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers as Pork Barrel
Linda Veiga, Francisco Veiga
Public Choice, vol. 155, 2013, p. 335-353.

Voting Functions in the EU-15
Linda Veiga
Public Choice, vol. 157, 2013, p. 411-428.

Determinants of the Assignment of EU Funds to Portuguese Municipalities
Linda Veiga
Public Choice, vol. 153, 2012, p. 215-233.

Election Results and Opportunistic Policies: A New Test of the Rational Political Business Cycle Model
Toke S. Aidt, Francisco Veiga, Linda Veiga
Public Choice, vol. 148, 2011, p. 21-44.

The Impact of Local and National Economic Conditions on Legislative Election Results
Francisco Veiga, Linda Veiga
Applied Economics, vol. 42, 2010, p. 1727-1734.

Does Opportunism Pay Off?
Linda Veiga, Francisco Veiga
Economics Letters, vol. 96, 2007, p. 177-182.

Political Business Cycles at the Municipal Level
Linda Veiga, Francisco Veiga
Public Choice, vol. 131, 2007, p. 45-64.

The Political Economy of Intergovernmental Grants: Evidence from a Maturing Democracy
Linda Veiga, Maria Manuel Pinho
Public Choice, vol. 133, 2007, p. 457-477.

Political Business Cycles in Local Employment: Evidence from Portugal
César Coelho, Francisco Veiga, Linda Veiga
Economics Letters, vol. 93, 2006, p. 82-87.

Analise da influencia de factores politicos na afectacao das transferencias intergovernamentais em Portugal.
Maria Manuel Pinho, Linda Veiga
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, vol. 3rd Quadrimester 2004, 2004, p. 63-83.

Popularity Functions, Partisan Effects, and Support in Parliament
Francisco Veiga, Linda Veiga
Economics and Politics, vol. 16, 2004, p. 101-115.

The Determinants of Vote Intentions in Portugal
Francisco Veiga, Linda Veiga
Public Choice, vol. 118, 2004, p. 341-364.

Politics and Unemployment in Industrialized Democracies
Linda Veiga, Henry Chappell
Public Choice, vol. 110, 2002, p. 261-282.
