Endogenous Growth and Monetary Policy: How Do Interest-Rate Feedback Rules Shape Nominal and Real Transitional Dynamics?
Pedro Mazeda Gil,
Gustavo Iglésias,
Luís Guimarães
Journal of International Money and Finance,
vol. 138, 2023, p. .
COVID-19: What If Immunity Wanes?
M. Alper Cenesiz,
Luís Guimarães
Canadian Journal of Economics,
vol. 55, 2022, p. 626-664.
Explaining the Labor Share: Automation vs Labor Market Institutions
Luís Guimarães,
Pedro Mazeda Gil
Labour Economics,
vol. 75, 2022, p. .
Looking Ahead at the Effects of Automation in an Economy with Matching Frictions
Luís Guimarães,
Pedro Mazeda Gil
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
vol. 144, 2022, p. .
The Cyclicality of Job Search Effort in Matching Models
M. Alper Cenesiz,
Luís Guimarães
Oxford Economic Papers,
vol. 74, 2022, p. 1195-1213.
Antibody Tests: They Are More Important Than We Thought
Luís Guimarães
Journal of Mathematical Economics,
vol. 93, 2021, p. .
Low Skill Wages and Mismeasured Inflation
Luís Guimarães
Applied Economics Letters,
vol. 26, 2019, p. 909-913.
Sticky Price Models, Durable Goods, and Real Wage Rigidities
Alper Çenesiz,
Luís Guimarães
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
vol. 51, 2019, p. 721-737.