
Filipe Coelho
FCT research center:
Grupo de Estudos Monetários e Financeiros (2015)
REBIDES institution:
Universidade de Coimbra - Faculdade de Economia (2015)
Articles 4:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012). Since 2003.

Mindfulness, Money Attitudes, and Credit. 5.09
Maria C. Pereira, Filipe Coelho
Journal Of Consumer Affairs, vol. 53, 2019, p. 424-454.

Who Feels Credit Constrained in Europe? The Role of Social Capital 3.39
Maria C. Pereira, Filipe Coelho, Óscar Lourenço
Journal Of Consumer Affairs, vol. 51, 2017, p. 380-405.

Untangling the Relationship Between Income and Subjective Well-Being: The Role of Perceived Income Adequacy and Borrowing Constraints. 5.24
Maria Pereira, Filipe Coelho
Journal Of Happiness Studies, vol. 14, 2013, p. 985-1005.

Work Hours and Well Being: An Investigation of Moderator Effects 5.51
Maria C. Pereira, Filipe Coelho
Social Indicators Research, vol. 111, 2013, p. 235-253.
