Energy Landscapes in Mozambique: The Role of the Extractive Industries in a Post-conflict Environment
Joshua Kirshner,
Vanesa Castan Broto,
Idalina Baptista
Environment and Planning A,
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The Landscape of Energy Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa: Going for Systemic Change or Reinforcing the Status Quo?
Idalina Baptista,
Jana Plananska
Energy Policy,
vol. 110, 2017, p. 1-8.
'We Live on Estimates': Everyday Practices of Prepaid Electricity and the Urban Condition in Maputo, Mozambique
Idalina Baptista
International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research,
vol. 39, 2015, p. 1004-1019.
Practices of Exception in Urban Governance: Reconfiguring Power Inside the State
Idalina Baptista
Urban Studies,
vol. 50, 2013, p. 39-54.
How Portugal Became an `Unplanned Country`: A Critique of Scholarship on Portuguese Urban Development and Planning
Idalina Baptista
International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research,
vol. 36, 2012, p. 1076-1092.