As Time Went By--Why Is the Long Wave So Long?
Francisco Louçã
Journal Of Evolutionary Economics,
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Disarray at the headquarters: Economists and Central bankers tested by the subprime and the COVID recessions.
Francisco Louçã,
Alexandre Abreu,
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Industrial And Corporate Change,
vol. 30, 2021, p. 273-296.
Chris Freeman Forging the Evolution of Evolutionary Economics [Comment on 'History, Co-evolution and Economic Growth']
Francisco Louçã
Industrial And Corporate Change,
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The Improbable Econometric Connection--Schumpeter and Frisch at the Midnight of the Century
Francisco Louçã
Journal Of Evolutionary Economics,
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The Elusive Concept of Innovation for Schumpeter, Marschak and the Early Econometricians
Francisco Louçã
Research Policy,
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The Fellowship of Econometrics: Selection and Diverging Views in the Province of Mathematical Economics, from the 1930s to the 1950s
Francisco Louçã,
Sofia Terlica
History of Political Economy,
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The Geometry of Crashes: A Measure of the Dynamics of Stock Market Crises
Tanya Araújo,
Francisco Louçã
Quantitative Finance,
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Swinging All the Way: The Education of Doctor Lucas and Foes
Francisco Louçã
History of Political Economy,
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Steady Change: The 200 Largest US Manufacturing Firms throughout the 20th Century
Francisco Louçã,
Sandro Mendonca
Industrial And Corporate Change,
vol. 11, 2002, p. 817-845.
Intriguing Pendula: Founding Metaphors in the Analysis of Economic Fluctuations
Francisco Louçã
Cambridge Journal of Economics,
vol. 25, 2001, p. 25-55.
Nikolai Kondratiev and the Early Consensus and Dissensions about History and Statistics
Francisco Louçã
History of Political Economy,
vol. 31, 1999, p. 169-205.
The Econometric Challenge to Keynes: Arguments and Contradictions in the Early Debates about a Late Issue
Francisco Louçã
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought,
vol. 6, 1999, p. 404-438.