It's about Time: The Timing of Entrepreneurial Experience and the Career Dynamics of University Graduates
Adrian L. Merida,
Vera Catarina Rocha
Research Policy,
vol. 50, 2021, p. .
Trade-Induced Skill Polarization
Grace W. Gu,
Samreen Malik,
Dario Pozzoli,
Vera Catarina Rocha
Economic Inquiry,
vol. 58, 2020, p. 241-259.
Entry and Exit Dynamics of Nascent Business Owners
Vera Catarina Rocha,
Anabela Carneiro,
Celeste Amorim
Small Business Economics,
vol. 45, 2015, p. 63-84.
Gender Pay Gaps and the Restructuring of Graduate Labour Markets in Southern Europe
Hugo Figueiredo,
Vera Catarina Rocha,
Ricardo Biscaia,
Pedro Nuno Teixeira
Cambridge Journal of Economics,
vol. 39, 2015, p. 565-598.
Serial Entrepreneurship, Learning by Doing and Self-Selection
Vera Catarina Rocha,
Anabela Carneiro,
Celeste Amorim
International Journal of Industrial Organization,
vol. 40, 2015, p. 91-106.
What Explains the Survival Gap of Pushed and Pulled Corporate Spin-Offs?
Vera Catarina Rocha,
Anabela Carneiro,
Celeste Amorim
Economics Letters,
vol. 126, 2015, p. 127-130.
Revenue Diversification in Public Higher Education: Comparing the University and Polytechnic Sectors
Pedro Nuno Teixeira,
Vera Catarina Rocha,
Ricardo Biscaia,
Margarida F. Cardoso
Public Administration Review,
vol. 74, 2014, p. 398-412.
Competition and Diversification in Public and Private Higher Education
Pedro Nuno Teixeira,
Vera Catarina Rocha,
Ricardo Biscaia,
Margarida F. Cardoso
Applied Economics,
vol. 45, 2013, p. 4949-4958.
Employment and SMEs during Crises
Celeste Amorim,
Vera Catarina Rocha
Small Business Economics,
vol. 40, 2013, p. 9-25.
Myths, Beliefs and Realities: Public-Private Competition and Program Diversification in Higher Education
Margarida F. Cardoso,
Pedro Nuno Teixeira,
Vera Catarina Rocha,
Ricardo Biscaia
Journal of Economic Issues,
vol. 46, 2012, p. 683-703.
The Effect of Crises on Firm Exit and the Moderating Effect of Firm Size
Celeste Amorim,
Vera Catarina Rocha
Economics Letters,
vol. 114, 2012, p. 94-97.