Job-Related Well-Being of Immigrants
Félix Neto,
Daniela Carvalho Wilks,
Ana Cristina Menezes Fonseca
Social Indicators Research,
vol. 141, 2019, p. 463-475.
Predictors of Loneliness among Portuguese Youths from Returned Migrant Families
Félix Neto
Social Indicators Research,
vol. 126, 2016, p. 425-441.
A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Satisfaction with Sex Life among Emerging Adults
Félix Neto,
Maria da Conceicao Pinto
Social Indicators Research,
vol. 120, 2015, p. 545-557.
Gender and Psychological Correlates of Self-Rated Strengths among Youth
Joana Neto,
Félix Neto,
Adrian Furnham
Social Indicators Research,
vol. 118, 2014, p. 315-327.
The Satisfaction with Sex Life across the Adult Life Span
Maria da Conceicao Pinto,
Félix Neto
Social Indicators Research,
vol. 144, 2013, p. 767-784.
Workplace Well-Being, Gender and Age: Examining the 'Double Jeopardy' Effect
Félix Neto,
Daniela Carvalho Wilks
Social Indicators Research,
vol. 114, 2013, p. 875-890.
Seeking forgiveness in an intergroup context: Angolan, Guinean, Mozambican, and East Timorese perspectives
Félix Neto,
Conceição Pinto,
Etienne Mullet
Regulation And Governance,
vol. 1, 2007, p. 329-346.