
Development and Change web
Pontos Posição
CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012) 25.13 173/501
Australian RC (2010) 50.0 264/479
CNRS (2008) 60.0 101/336
Combes and Linnemer (2003) 17.0 171/253
ISI, JCR SSE, Article Influence Score (2010) 6.33 159/316
ISI, JCR SSE, Impact Factor (2010) 18.29 113/388
Kodrzycki and Yu (2006) 1.11 117/177
Lubrano et al (2003) 20.0 160/211
Qualis (2008) 50.0 147/200
Schneider and Ursprung (2008) 40.0 107/278
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) (2011) 16.82 119/476
Article Influence Score (2021) 1.38 133/409
Article Influence Score (2019) 0.91 167/428
Impact Factor (2021) 3.46 134/409
Impact Factor (2019) 2.25 133/440
Impact Factor (5 year) (2021) 3.44 152/409
Impact Factor (5 year) (2019) 2.31 170/428
SJR - Scimago (2021) 1.61 121/558
SJR - Scimago (2019) 1.05 194/549
Count (2021) 1.0 525/662
Artigos 3:

Nudging or Fudging: The World Development Report 2015
Ben Fine, Deborah Johnston, Ana Cordeiro Santos, Elisa Van Waeyenberge
vol. 47, 2016, p. 640-663.

The Pen and the Plough: Balanta Young Men in Guinea-Bissau
Marina Temudo , Manuel Abrantes
vol. 46, 2015, p. 464-485.

Homogeneous Middles vs. Heterogeneous Tails, and the End of the Inverted-U: Its All about the Share of the Rich
Jose Gabriel Palma
vol. 42, 2011, p. 87-153.
