African Forex Markets: Modeling Their Predictability and the Asymmetric Effects of Oil and Geopolitical Risk
Shoujun Huang,
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Tamara Teplova,
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How Immigration Reduced Volunteering in the USA: 2005-2011
Tiago Freire,
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Annals of Regional Science,
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A Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Chinese Fossil-Fuel Electricity Generation Companies
Zhongfei Chen,
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The Housing Market in Beijing and Delays in Sales: A Fractional Polynomial Survival Model
Carlos Pestana Barros,
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Economic Modelling,
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Examining the Cost Efficiency of Chinese Hydroelectric Companies Using a Finite Mixture Model
Carlos Pestana Barros,
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Shunsuke Managi,
Olinda Sequeira Antunes
Energy Economics,
vol. 36, 2013, p. 511-517.