Modelling Consumer Preferences Heterogeneity in Emerging Wine Markets: A Latent Class Analysis
Tânia Gonçalves,
Lina Lourenço-Gomes,
Lígia Pinto
Applied Economics,
vol. 52, 2020, p. 6136-6144.
A hedonic price analysis for the Portuguese wine market: Does the distribution channel matter?
João Rebelo,
Lina Lourenço-Gomes,
Tânia Gonçalves,
José Caldas
Journal Of Applied Economics,
vol. 22, 2019, p. 40-59.
Exploring Distinct Sources of Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Experiment: An Application to Wine Choice across European Consumers
Tânia Gonçalves,
Lígia Pinto,
Lina Lourenço-Gomes
Economics Letters,
vol. 178, 2019, p. 28-32.