Planning in Turbulent Times: Exploring Planners' Agency in Jerusalem
Jonathan Rokem,
Marco Allegra
International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research,
vol. 40, 2016, p. 640-657.
Wine-washing: Colonization, Normalization, and the Geopolitics of Terroir in the West Bank's Settlements
Ariel Handel ,
Galit Rand,
Marco Allegra
Environment and Planning A,
vol. 47, 2015, p. 1351-1367.
Rethinking Cities in Contentious Times: The Mobilisation of Urban Dissent in the ´Arab Spring`
Marco Allegra
Urban Studies,
vol. 50, 2013, p. 1675-1688.
The Politics of Suburbia: Israel's Settlement Policy and the Production of Space in the Metropolitan Area of Jerusalem
Marco Allegra
Environment and Planning A,
vol. 45, 2013, p. 497-516.