
Sara C. Santos Cruz
Ph D: U Porto, Economics, 2014
Master: U Porto, Economics, 2006
Bachelor: U Coimbra, Economics, 2001
REBIDES institution:
Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia (2014)
Articles 4:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012).

Spatial Analysis of New Firm Formation in Creative Industries before and during the World Economic Crisis 13.25
Sara C. Santos Cruz, Aurora Teixeira
Annals of Regional Science, vol. 67, 2021, p. 385-413.

The Neglected Heterogeneity of Spatial Agglomeration and Co-location Patterns of Creative Employment: Evidence from Portugal 13.25
Sara C. Santos Cruz, Aurora Teixeira
Annals of Regional Science, vol. 54, 2015, p. 143-177.

Metabolic Impact Assessment for Urban Planning 5.28
Paulo Pinho, Vitor Oliveira, Sara C. Santos Cruz, Magda Barbosa
Journal Of Environmental Planning And Management, vol. 56, 2013, p. 178-193.

The Evolution of the Cluster Literature: Shedding Light on the Regional Studies-Regional Science Debate 18.81
Sara C. Santos Cruz, Aurora Teixeira
Regional Studies, vol. 44, 2010, p. 1263-1288.
