Does Quality Affect Choice of Family Physician? Evidence from Patients Changing General Practice without Changing Address
Giovanni Empel,
Hugh Gravelle,
Rita Santos
Economic Modelling,
vol. 126, 2023, p. .
Heterogeneity in End of Life Health Care Expenditure Trajectory Profiles
Panagiotis Kasteridis,
Nigel Rice,
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Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
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Spatial Competition and Quality: Evidence from the English Family Doctor Market
Hugh Gravelle,
Dan Liu,
Carol Propper,
Rita Santos
Journal Of Health Economics,
vol. 68, 2019, p. .
Does Quality Affect Patients' Choice of Doctor? Evidence from England
Rita Santos,
Hugh Gravelle,
Carol Propper
Economic Journal,
vol. 127, 2017, p. 445-494.
Do hospitals respond to rivals' quality and efficiency? A spatial panel econometric analysis.
Francesco Longo,
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Hugh Gravelle,
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Does a Hospital`s Quality Depend on the Quality of Other Hospitals? A Spatial Econometrics Approac
Hugh Gravelle,
Rita Santos,
Luigi Siciliani
Regional Science and Urban Economics,
vol. 49, 2014, p. 203-216.
Measuring and Testing for Gender Discrimination in Physician Pay: English Family Doctors
Hugh Gravelle,
Arne Risa Hole,
Rita Santos
Journal Of Health Economics,
vol. 30, 2011, p. 660-674.