A New Kind of Production and Value-Added Multiplier for Assessing the Scale and Structure Effects of Demand Shocks in Input-Output Frameworks
João Ferreira do Amaral,
João Dias,
João Carlos Lopes
Annals of Regional Science,
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Assessing Economic Complexity as Interindustry Connectedness in Nine OECD Countries
João Carlos Lopes,
João Dias,
João Ferreira do Amaral
International Review of Applied Economics,
vol. 26, 2012, p. 811-827.
The Impact of Resource Conditions and Environmental Uncertainty on Inter-firm Alliance Strategies
João Dias,
Vitor Mendes Magrico
Applied Economics,
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Complexity as Interdependence in Input-Output Systems
João Ferreira do Amaral,
João Dias,
João Carlos Lopes
Environment and Planning A,
vol. 39, 2007, p. 1770-1782.